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New table of contents! Unit 7: Civil War 1-2. Unit 7 Vocabulary
An unified pride in your nation more than just your own state
Pride in your state or region more than in your nation
When parts of a nation are so divided the nation goes to war with itself
States’ Rights
Putting the rights and needs of the state over the power of federal government
Special tax placed on goods made in foreign countries and brought to U Special tax placed on goods made in foreign countries and brought to U.S.
Supreme power- of a state to exercise power without interference of the fed. govt.
Economy that depends on factories and mills to produce goods and make money for that state or region
Economy that depends on farming and selling of cash crops to make money for that state or region
When one member of a group withdraws from the group- such as states that left the U.S. and formed the Confederacy
When one side’s ships block or prevent their enemy’s ships from leaving and entering sea ports with supplies needed for war
The official freeing of enslaved people by the authority that held them
Abolitionist Dredd Scott Hariet Tubman Hariet Beecher Stowe Frederick Douglass
Someone who worked to abolish (end) slavery in the U.S.
Rebuilding of the nation (mostly the south) after the Civil War
13th Amendment
Law that officially abolished slavery in all parts of the U. S Law that officially abolished slavery in all parts of the U.S. after the Civil War
14th Amendment
Law that officially granted U. S Law that officially granted U.S. citizenship to all former enslaved people after the Civil War
15th Amendment
Law that granted voting rights to all African American males in U. S Law that granted voting rights to all African American males in U.S. after the Civil War