Reason for experiment As you look at many marathon races every year the people who tend to win are from Kenya, which has a elevation of 17,057 (at its highest point). Which brought the question to mind if that played a large effect in there ability to outrun everyone else.
Hypothesis Higher elevation training helps when preparing for long distance races.
Variables Independent - The elevation the participants train at. Dependent - The times the groups run.
Controls The controls in this process are the age range (21- 25), the diet we place the groups on, their running regiment and also the elevation they are placed at.
Groups We are going to have six groups consisting of ten people each. Three of which are going to have a strict diet, while the other three will not change there normal diet. All the groups will be on the same running regiment weather they are dieting or not. Both the diet and non-diet groups will be placed at three separate altitudes.
Group 1 Group 1a Placed at average elevation or 4,000 ft Following a strict diet. Group 1b Placed at 10,000 ft Following a strict diet
Group 2 Group 2a Placed at average elevation or 4,000 ft Following a strong diet. Group 2b Placed at 12,000 ft Following a strict diet.
Group 3 Group 3a Placed at average elevation or 4,000 ft Following a strong diet. Group 3b Placed at 15,000 ft Following a strong diet.
Groups 4-6 Will be broken up the same way as groups 1-3. But without a strict diet to follow.
Conclusion We will have all six groups run a 5k (3.1 miles) at average elevation after one month of training.And come to a conclusion from our data to determine weather our hypothesis is true or not. The runners will race three times to make up for off-days and such.