Integrating iPads in the PreK-2 Classroom


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Presentation transcript:

Integrating iPads in the PreK-2 Classroom Hi everyone! Today we will be learning about how to incorporate iPads into the classroom for whole-group and small-group instruction. Today will be filled with a TON of useful and helpful information that will allow you to be a pro at using this type of technology into the classroom! Instructional Designer and Trainer: Alyssa Maldonado Contact info:

Schedule 9:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M. Morning Session Afternoon Session 9:00-9:45: Overview of the training 12:15-12:30: Questions/Concerns/Review of Morning Session 9:45- 10:30: Basic iPad Skills 12:30-1:00: Observation of a sample whole-group and a small-group lesson using iPads 10:30-11:30: Demonstration of High quality applications 1:00-2:15: Create a sample whole-group and a small group lesson using iPads with a grade level partner 2:15- 2:45: Each grade level will share out their sample lessons 2:45- 3:00: Survey Monkey Exit Ticket This is how our day will go. (Read the schedule).

Why should you incorporate iPads in the PreK-2 classroom? Improvements in academic performance (Apple, 2014) Increases in engagement and motivation (Apple, 2014) Added instructional flexibility and resource efficiency (Apple, 2014) Integrated focus on content quality and design(Apple, 2014) First of all, many of you might want to know why incorporating iPads into the classroom is so important. (Read off the slide)

Positive effects of iPads A number of K-12 schools are seeing substantial improvements when comparing: Student tests scores to prior year test scores (Apple, 2014) Students test scores to norms (Apple, 2014) Student performance on pre and post test measures (Apple, 2014) Children interact cooperatively with the use of iPads (Shifflet et al, 2012) Children work collaboratively (Shifflet et al, 2012) There are several positive effects of iPad use in the classroom. (Read off slide)

Objectives and Outcomes 1. Teachers will be able to demonstrate basic iPad skills including downloading of applications and connecting the iPad to the ENO Board. 2. Teachers will be able to design a whole-group and a small-group lesson using iPads with a grade level partner. 3. Teachers will be able to implement iPads into a small group and a whole group lesson. During this training all of you will be able to do the following: Does anyone have any questions or concerns before we dive right in? Now, everyone will needs to go grab a charged iPad and bring it back to their table so that we can start.

Signing in to apple account App Store Download an app called “Nearpod” Turning iPad on/off Signing in to apple account App Store Download an app called “Nearpod” Guided access (triple click home button) Connecting iPad to the ENO board Now that everyone has an iPad, we need to make sure that everyone knows how to do the basics in order for this to be an effective tool in the classroom. (connect your iPad to the dongle and the ENO board to have all teachers view the steps) First things first, we need to make sure that you are able to turn the iPad on/off correctly. Everyone is going to now try to do this by clicking the top right button down for 5 seconds and then sliding to say power off. This will then turn off the power. Once this is done we need to turn the iPad back on with the same top right button. (demonstrate 3-5 min for all staff to do this, circulate) Next, we will need to sign in to your own apple account. We are all going to tap the blue “App Store” app. Now it it will ask you all to sign in to your account. All of you have an Apple ID from previous years. Your Apple ID is your New Haven Public School email and password you all chose yourselves. Once everyone is logged in we will download an app to make sure everyone does this properly (give 5 minutes to have people sign in and circulate around to ensure all teachers have logged in and are ready) Now that we are all logged in, we are going to download an app called “Nearpod”. We are all going to go to the search bar and type in this name. Once you have found this we are going tap the icon that says free to download. (5 minutes to circulate to everyone) We are going to try and do something called guided access. Guided access is a function on the iPad that does not allow the student to click out of the app. This is especially good for the younger students because they tend to click on the home button to get out of a game. I would like you to now click on your settings>general>accessibility>guided access and switch it to on. Now go back to the Nearpod app and triple click the home button. There will be an option in the upper right hand corner that says start. You press start and it will say guided access started. If you click on the home button it will say guided access is on and you will need to triple click home button to exit. You will then need to enter your password to get out of the game. Now that we have gone through almost all of the basics I am going to demonstrate how to hook up your iPad to the ENO board so that the whole group will be able to see what is going on with the iPad as we are doing today. Everyone’s classroom came equipped with an iPad dongle. You will plug the dongle into the ENO board adapter and into the iPad and it will show on the ENO board. (demonstrate) Does anyone have any questions so far?

Here is a short video on how it works: Nearpod is a platform that enables teachers to use their iPads to manage content on students iPads (Nearpod, 2014) This app combines presentation collaboration, and real time assessment tools into one integrated solution (Nearpod, 2014) Here is a short video on how it works: This app is one of the most valuable apps that I think that you will take away from this training. (read the slide and then click on the video link) Now that you have downloaded this app I want you to take some time to explore it and become familiar with it. (10-20 minutes)

Additional Resources for iPad Applications Here is another link to a valuable website that has K-5 apps according to Bloom’s Taxonomy: We are going to take a look at this website to see all of the apps according to Bloom’s Taxonomy. There are apps for remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating. (click on the link) Go through one of the sections and have teachers explore the sight until 11:30. (Circulate to ask and answer questions and to also help out those who need more assistance)

WELCOME BACK Afternoon Session Review what was done in the morning. Have teachers ask any questions and answer them accordingly.

Whole-group/Small-group instruction using iPads Link to YouTube video of a prerecorded exemplary lesson of a new teacher using iPads during whole group (using Nearpod) and small group instruction (using an app of choice). While viewing please answer the following questions: Why do you think this is an exemplary lesson? What things did you like that the teacher incorporated into his or her lesson? Now we will observe a sample whole-group and small-group lesson using iPad. First we will take a look at a teacher who has recently been introduced to iPads in her kindergarten classroom. Now we are going to view one of our very own new teachers using an iPad during whole group (using Nearpod) and a small group instruction (using an app of choice). While viewing these videos please answer the following. After viewing the videos ask the questions and have teachers share out their thoughts and opinions. While you are viewing these exemplary videos I want you to answer the following: Why do you think this is an exemplary lesson? What things did you like that the teacher incorporated into her lesson? After watching have teachers share out their findings.

Time to Plan! Collaborate with your grade level partner Pick an app Create a whole group and a small group lesson Be prepared to share out what you came up with! Now it is your turn to plan for these exemplary iPad lessons. (Read off of the slide) You will have an hour and fifteen minutes to do so. Please know that you will be sharing out with the rest of your colleagues at the end of planning time. I will be circling around to each grade level to help out and view what you have come up with!

Exit Ticket Today has been a success! I hope that you leave here feeling accomplished with all of the great work you have done today. Before you leave I would love some feedback from you. Please visit this link to fill out a short survey! Thank you all for your time!

Resources Apple. (2014). iPad in education results. Retrieved from: iPad_in_Education_Results.pdf Nearpod. (2014). How it works. Retrieved from: http:// Shifflet, R., Toledo, C., & Mattoon, C. (2012). Touch tablet surprises. Retrieved from: http:// %20Suprises.pdf