Paperclipidae Original Assumption (unstated) : 1 individual = 1 species 7 individuals Outgroup taxon not in set; described as headless straight pin or eyeless needle
THE ISSUES: 1 2 3 SYNAPOMORPHY, AUTAPOMORPHY Characters (0=absent, 1=present): Wire bent Wire doubles back on itself Wire crosses over itself How do we construct a simple cladogram? 1 2 3 Outgroup
Outgroup 3 2 1
THE ISSUES: 1 2 3 4 PARSIMONY, REVERSAL Characters (0=absent, 1=present): Wire bent Wire doubles back on itself Wire crosses over itself Head What hypothesis yields the shortest tree? 1 2 3 4 Outgroup
Most parsimonious tree (MPT) Outgroup 4 3 2 1 Tree length = 4 steps Most parsimonious tree (MPT)
Outgroup 3 2 1 -4 4 Tree length = 5 steps
CONSENSUS & POLYTOMIES THE ISSUES: CONVERGENCE, CONSENSUS & POLYTOMIES Characters (0=absent, 1=present): Wire bent Wire doubles back on itself Wire crosses over itself Head Plastic Did plastic evolve more than once? 1 2 3 4 5 Outgroup
Hypothesis 1 – Plastic evolved convergently in two lineages Outgroup 5 5 3 4 2 1 Hypothesis 1 – Plastic evolved convergently in two lineages Tree length = 6 steps
Outgroup 4 4 -2 3 -1 5 2 Hypothesis 2a – Plastic evolved only once; head evolved convergently in two lineages 1 Tree length = 8 steps
Outgroup 2 1 3 -4 5 2 4 1 Hypothesis 2b – Plastic evolved only once; wire bending/doubling evolved convergently in two lineages Tree length = 8 steps
Plastic more likely evolved twice. Outgroup 5 5 3 4 2 1 Plastic more likely evolved twice. This is not the only possible MPT. Tree length = 6 steps (MPT)
Tree length = 6 steps (MPT) Outgroup 5 3 5 4 2 1 Tree length = 6 steps (MPT)
Tree length = 6 steps (MPT) Outgroup 3 5 5 4 2 1 Tree length = 6 steps (MPT)
Outgroup Strict consensus of three MPTs showing polytomy.
WHAT IS THIS INDIVIDUAL? Paperclipidae Original (unstated) Assumption: 1 individual = 1 species ARE YOU SURE? THE ISSUE: WHAT IS THIS INDIVIDUAL?
Size as ontogenetically variable / sexually dimorphic Species A adult, Species B, Species A juvenile OR Species A male, Species B, Species A female
Plastic as ontogenetically variable / sexually dimorphic Species A, Species B adult, Species B juvenile OR Species A, Species B male, Species B female OR Species A adult male, Species A juvenile, Species A adult female