Metals & Alloys, Plastics
Metals Material extracted from an ore Metals usually shiny & are good conductors of electricity and heat Some are corrosion-resistant See table 12.16, page 379
Alloys Result of mixing a metal with one or more metallic or non-metallic substances Two types of alloys: 1. Ferrous alloys- main constituent is iron ex. Steel (iron & carbon, often Nickel, chrome, zinc), Cast iron (iron & carbon)
2. Non-ferrous- an alloy whose main constituent is a metal other than iron ex. Brass (copper & zinc) Bronze (copper & tin) Aluminum alloy (small amount of copper, silicon etc.)
Plastics A manufactured material made of polymers Polymers are made of chain of multiple identical units called monomers Most come from petroleum or natural gas
Two types of Plastics Thermosetting- harden permanently under energy (heat etc.) - provides plastic with rigidity Thermoplastics soften when heated & harden when cooled Can be reshaped when softened, new shape when cooled