Weekly Announcements Week of November 21, 2016
Attention Graduating Seniors Join us for the Senior Send-off celebration When: December 1st from 5-7pm Where: The University Club, DeVos Building C Who: Fall ‘16 Graduating HTM Students Cost: $5 a person REGISTER: Go to the HTM office or click on the link in your invitation Send slideshow photos to: htmatgvsu@gmail.com Grand Prizes | Food | Celebratory Toast
GradFest! Make sure you stop by to pick up your cap, gown and Commencement tickets! Allendale Campus Wednesday, November 30 Pere Marquette Room | 2204 Kirkhof 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Downtown Pew Campus Thursday, December 1 Hager-Lubbers Exhibition Hall 10:00 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. Visit www.gvsu.edu/commencement for complete details. Stop by before the HTM Senior Send-Off!!
Students with an interest in recreation and leisure can receive a complimentary membership in MParks. Email your interest to Professor Scott Rood (roodsc@gvsu.edu) For more conference details and information: www.mparks.org/conference.
HTM Majors… Have you declared your emphasis yet, as part of your HTM major? If not, go to MyBanner, then click on Student Records, and click on the “Change Major” option to update or declare your emphasis area. HTM Emphasis Areas: Food and Beverage Management | Lodging Management Meeting and Event Management | Recreation and Leisure Management | Tourism Management
Jobs Recently Added to the HTM Website Postings can be found on the “Internship and Job Opportunities” page on the HTM Website. www.gvsu.edu/htm Sophia's House The Cheney Place Guest Services Intern Winter Event Internship Mai Tiki Resort Grand Rapids Symphony Manager Development Events Internship Michigan Library Association Gull Lake View Golf Club & Resort Professional Development and Meeting Planning Intern Reservation Sales Agent Grand Hospitality Potbelly Sandwich Shop - Holland Guest Service Agent Associate
Hospitality & Tourism Management Department Main Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 8am – 5pm Phone Number: (616) 331-3118 Location: 218C DeVos www.gvsu.edu/htm Stop in or call if you have any questions! Please call the CCPS Advising Center if you need to schedule an advising appointment. 331.6890.