Industrial Revolution By L. Strong
Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution is when people stopped making things at home and started building in factories. Industrial Revolution
Cottage Industry
Factory system
Cotton gin His cotton gin removed the seeds out of raw cotton. VIDEO
Steam Engine The steam engine was not just a transportation device. It ran entire factories the way rivers used to Built by James Watt
VIDEO Steam engine
Trans Canada Railway The Trans-Canada railroad made travel across the country faster, cheaper and more efficient. Started construction in 1871
Canals Canals are manmade waterways dug between 2 large bodies of water. The Erie Canal was a short cut from the Atlantic Ocean to the Great Lakes.
Erie Canal 1825
Telegraph Samuel Morse invented the 1st electric telegraph. It communicated using a series of beeps (Morse code). – 1830-40s VIDEO
Telephone Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone – 1870s VIDEO
Thomas Edison The light bulb allowed factories to operate at night.
Edison’s inventions Motion picture camera
Pull factors Immigrants come to the USA for jobs and opportunities.
Pull factors are good stuff to bring immigrants here like jobs.
Jobs pulled immigrants here.
Free land was a pull factor
Push factors Push factors are bad stuff to push immigrants away like war or disease. This is potato famine.
Many immigrants lived in tenements.
Child labor Many immigrants put their children to work ASAP.
Child labor Shoeshine boys
Child labor Bowling pin boys
Child labor Coal miner boys
Child labor Young miner
Girls were preferred over boys. They were paid less, had smaller hands.
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Progressivism Progressivism is a series of reform movements during the late 1800 and early 1900s.
Progressive goals Progressives sought the following: Temperance Reform of the government Suffrage for women Better working conditions More government regulation Efficient industry
Temperance Movement Women fought to ban alcohol in America. They did this without the vote!
Temperance movement Women would go to saloons and start singing church hymns.
Temperance movement Later in 1920, they would be successful with the 18th Amendment which banned the sale or production of alcohol.
Social welfare YMCA provided charity work for slum neighborhoods like classes and entertainment.
Political Reforms Progressives wanted big business out of politics. Progressives wanted more popular sovereignty.
Political Reforms Secret ballot – Progressives wanted people to vote without intimidation.
Political Reforms Recall – special election to get rid of a politician. Auhnold is governor of CA because of a recall election.
Political reform Progressives reformed local governments by allowing people to introduce bills (initiative). A referendum is a vote on that initiative.
Political reform The Seventeenth Amendment put more power into the peoples’ hands. It allowed for the direct election of US Senators. Before, state legislators would choose. Here are the Texas Senators:
Political reform Progressives wanted big business out of politics. Political machines controlled the political parties.
Political Reform One famous political machine was the Tammany Ring of NYC.
Political machines weren’t all bad Political machines weren’t all bad. They provided jobs to immigrants and other services
Economic Reform The Sixteenth Amendment allows for a graduated income tax. That means the rich pay a higher percentage than poor people.
Women’s suffrage
Suffragists We hold these truths to be self evident that all men and women are created equal.
Suffragists Elizabeth Cady Stanton was the grandmother of the movement
Women all over the USA and Britain paraded and protested for suffrage.
Women’s suffrage Stanton and Susan B. Anthony fought for women’s rights.
WWI helped women get the vote because they worked so hard during WWI.
The Nineteenth Amendment gave women’s suffrage.
Labor Reform Labor unions struggled in the 1800s to fight for better working conditions (shorter work day, workers’ comp).
Labor reform Unions went on strike, and they turned violent most of the time.
Labor unions Skilled labor unions were more successful because they were harder to replace.
Progressives got laws passed that prohibited child labor.
Progressives passed laws limiting hours women worked.
Progressives passed laws requiring workplace safety.
Workplace safety.
Progressive Presidents Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt
Teddy was the youngest president in history at the time.
Trust buster
Roosevelt read The Jungle by Upton Sinclair, a muckraker
As a result, he passed the Meat Inspection Act and the Food and Drug Act
Efficient industry While some progressives fought industry with labor unions and government regulation, others helped industry by using science in the workplace.
Taylorism – increasing efficiency through studies of human motion.
Industrial efficiency Henry Ford learned that the less people had to move, the faster they would work.
Ford’s assembly line
The first cars were very expensive.
Model T The Model T was the first car that middle class people could afford.
Model T The assembly line lowered the cost of the Model T from $825 to $300.
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