Tufts University and ClearH2O
5 groups of timed pregnant females Regular Chow only Regular Chow + 76A gel Regular Chow + Boost gel Breeder Chow only Breeder Chow + Boost Gel Cage Manipulation Cages were changed every Monday by Rodent Breeding Service (RBS) staff Cages were checked and gel added on Wednesday and Friday every week Each cage was taken off of the shelf, opened, and hand put in the cage whether gel was to be added or not so that each cage was disturbed 3x per week including cages that didnt need gel to avoid variability. Pup Information Pup/litter deaths were recorded at cage change, health monitoring check or gel replacement check Pups were weighed on P7, P14, P21, and P28 individually and weights were totaled for litter weight and averaged for average pup weight in each litter
Regular Chow + 76A Female Regular Chow Female Boost Female
Regular Chow Pups P14Regular Chow + 76A Pups P14
Regular Chow Pups P21 Regular Chow + 76A Pups P21
76A supplemented group demonstrated significantly less pup loss 3% pup loss No lost litters 76A supplemented group demonstrated greater average pup weights – up to 20% heavier than controls Recommend using 76A as a supplement for pregnant females or breeders to improve pup yield, and to improve weight gain for fragile strains