DRIVING HAZARD PERCEPTION TEST October 2016 safety meeting Minnowa Alliance of Cooperatives Brad Pecinovsky, MBA, CLCP Perception: To be aware through your senses. To observe, to see, to comprehend. Our eyes can transmit millions of impulses to the brain in seconds, but our brain can only handle a limited number of these observations. But, the brain can be trained to recognize certain impulses. The more we stress and discuss defensive driving techniques, the better we become at observing hazards. - We need to focus since we can be the distracted driver, not just others.
Leave up for about 10 seconds.
How many times did the word “THE” appear? Any other observations? THE appears 5 times. Should be THROUGH, not though.
Ready to begin? Directions: You will be shown eight different traffic images. Each image will be displayed for five seconds. After viewing each image, you will be asked to respond to a series of statements regarding the images. Each question will only be read twice. For each of the following statements, mark as either True or False, or fill in the blank as appropriate.
IMAGE #1 There were two bicyclists on the road. The car behind the bicycle had on a turn signal.
HAZARD PERCEPTION REALITY CHECK There were two bicyclists on the road. The car behind the bicycle had on a turn signal.
IMAGE #2 There was one set of railroad tracks. There were two traffic lanes turning left. The traffic lights were green. What is unique about the car in the center lane?
HAZARD PERCEPTION REALITY CHECK There was one set of railroad tracks. There were two traffic lanes turning left. The traffic lights were green. What is unique about the car in the center lane?
IMAGE #3 The traffic is entering a construction zone. There are two lanes of traffic in each direction. There is a vehicle merging into traffic from the on ramp.
HAZARD PERCEPTION REALITY CHECK The traffic is entering a construction zone. There are two lanes of traffic in each direction. There is a vehicle merging into traffic from the on ramp.
IMAGE #4 This was a one-way street. One pedestrian on the street was not in the cross walk.
HAZARD PERCEPTION REALITY CHECK This was a one-way street. One pedestrian on the street was not in the cross walk.
IMAGE #5 The roadway was marked as a passing zone. The combine is red. There is a single phase electric line along the road.
HAZARD PERCEPTION REALITY CHECK The roadway was marked as a passing zone. The combine is red. There is a single phase electric line along the road.
IMAGE #6 The wagon has rubber tires. They are on a gravel road. The wagon has a slow moving vehicle sign properly mounted.
HAZARD PERCEPTION REALITY CHECK The wagon has rubber tires. They are on a gravel road. The wagon has a slow moving vehicle sign properly mounted.
IMAGE #7 This is a four lane road. What color was the hood of the vehicle? What was mounted on the windshield?
HAZARD PERCEPTION REALITY CHECK This is a four lane road. What color was the hood of the vehicle? What was mounted on the windshield?
IMAGE #8 There are two snowplows in the photo. The snowplows have amber emergency flashing lights on.
HAZARD PERCEPTION REALITY CHECK There are two snowplows in the photo. The snowplows have amber emergency flashing lights on.
Driving Hazard Perception Test REVIEW Driving Hazard Perception Test
IMAGE #1 There were two bicyclists on the road. The car behind the bicycle had on a turn signal.
IMAGE #2 There was one set of railroad tracks. There were two traffic lanes turning left. The traffic lights were green. What is unique about the car in the center lane?
IMAGE #3 The traffic is entering a construction zone. There are two lanes of traffic in each direction. There is a vehicle merging into traffic from the on ramp.
IMAGE #4 This was a one-way street. One pedestrian on the street was not in the cross walk.
IMAGE #5 The roadway was marked as a passing zone. The combine is red. There is a single phase electric line along the road.
IMAGE #6 The wagon has rubber tires. They are on a gravel road. The wagon has a slow moving vehicle sign properly mounted.
IMAGE #7 This is a four lane road. What color was the hood of the vehicle? What was mounted on the windshield?
IMAGE #8 There are two snowplows in the photo. The snowplows have amber emergency flashing lights on.
RECAP Distance traveled in 5 seconds at: 55 MPH = 403 feet