Essential Questions: What does it mean to say that Europeans "conquered" the land and peoples of North America? What were the advantages & disadvantages of Spanish, French, & English colonial patterns in terms of long-term colonization in America?
Advantages for long-term colonization Disadvantages for long-term colonization Spain France England
The Spanish Colonies in America
04/06/98 A World Transformed Native Americans were eager for European trade; they were not initially victims of Spanish exploration They became dependent on and indebted to Europeans Disease decimated perhaps 95% of Native American population 7 7 7 7
Spanish Conquests & Colonies The Spanish used the encomienda system to create large cash crop plantations using Native American & African slave labor Spanish missionaries focused heavily on converting Native Americans & establishing missions
From Plunder to Settlement 04/06/98 From Plunder to Settlement By 1650, 1/2 million Spaniards immigrated to the New World Mostly unmarried males came to New World; intermarriage led to mixed-blood mestizos & mulattos Distinguished between social classes: peninsulares & creoles The Spanish government operated strict control over the colonies Whites from Spain Whites born in America 17 18 18 18
Spanish Empire Its conquering of the Americas would allow Spain to become the most powerful empire in the world during the 16th Century “We came here to serve God and King… and to get rich” Not only disease, but civil wars and religious superstitions also allowed the Europeans, namely the Spanish, to conquer the Native Americans (who GREATLY outnumbered the explorers) The advanced technology of the Europeans offered an incredible advantage in combat Gunpowder, cannon, and bullets vs. bows and arrows Horses (transport and cavalry) and also pigs, cattle, and goats (foodstuffs) played a very important role in conquest
Spanish-American Culture The Spanish conquerors would establish the encomienda system Encomienda – a system of villages granted to a privileged Spanish officer or aristocrat Was responsible for providing for Spanish missionaries and contributing wealth to the empire Extreme class discrepancy: at one end were the wealthy conquistadores and at the other the impoverished natives
The Spread of Catholicism Catholic missionaries quickly spread to the Americas in the wake of the conquistadors’ victories The Natives were viewed as pagans and the Catholic religion was in turn imposed upon the people The spreading epidemics were seen as the wrath of God upon the pagans and justified the actions of the god-fearing Spanish A few missionaries would become the only advocates that the Natives had among the Europeans Bartolome de la Casas and A Brief Relation of the Destruction of the Indies Poet Staceyann Chin reads Bartolomé de Las Casas
Spanish Exploration of the US Spain would never develop successful settlements (in terms of trade and power) in US territory mainly due to its primary lust for gold and silver instead of developing centers of trade Juan Ponce de Leon – explored Florida Hernando de Soto – explored the Southeast US Francisco Coronado – explored the Southwest US St. Augustine – the oldest surviving settlement in the US, established in 1565 in Florida Spanish missions would dot the Southwest US with some surviving today Santa Fe was the 1st permanent seat of government in the US By 1630 there were over 50 missions and 3,000 Spanish in the New Mexico territory
The Horse The introduction of the horse would forever transform the Native American cultures of the US Tribes such as those of the Great Plains converted from agriculturally domestic to nomadic within a very short period of time after acquiring and breeding a significant horse population Following the buffalo herds became the focus of Native society
The French Colonies in America
The French Claim Canada 04/06/98 The French Claim Canada In 1608, Samuel de Champlain founded Quebec; French Empire eventually included St. Lawrence River, Great Lakes, Mississippi The French government strictly controlled the colonies but made little effort to encourage settlement Because the fur trade was the basis of the colonial economy, Indians became valued trading partners (not exploitive like Spain) 18 19 19 19
Like Spain, the French gov’t encouraged converting Native Americans & establishing missions
The English Colonies in America
Protestant Reformation Catholic to Protestant Connection to Spain?? Calvinism Reformation in England
The English Colonies In the 1600s, English settlers arrived in North America English colonization differed from Spanish & French because the English gov’t had no desire to create a centralized empire in the New World Different motivations by English settlers led to different types of colonies SPANISH ARMADA
Migrating to the English Colonies 17th century England faced major social changes: The most significantly was a boom in population; Competition for land, food, jobs led to a large mobile population (vagrants?) People had choices: could move to cities, Ireland, Netherlands, or America (but this was most expensive & dangerous)
Migrating to the English Colonies Motives for migration to America: Religious: purer form of worship Economic: Escape poverty or the threat of lifelong poverty Personal: to escape bad marriages or jail terms Migration to America was facilitated by the English Civil War & Glorious Revolution
The Stuart Monarchs
Four Colonial Subcultures The values of the migrants dictated the “personality” of the newly created colonies; led to distinct (not unified) colonies The Chesapeake New England Middle Colonies The Carolinas & Georgia
By the early 1600s, Spain, England, & France had large territorial claims in North America (but these colonies were not heavily populated, especially in Spanish & French claims) These colonial claims came largely at the expense of the Native Americans already living there