ANR/CED Strategic Business Plan Mike Buschermohle Precision Ag Specialist Biosystems Engineering and Soil Science
ANR/CED Strategic Business Plan
ANR/CED Program Structure Knowledge Areas Fundamental areas in which Extension ANR/CED educational programs are planned, developed, implemented and reported.
ANR/CED Program Structure Focus Areas Focus Areas must have great potential to increase economic prosperity, improve environmental quality, or enhance well-being in rural or urban communities.
ANR/CED Program Structure Focus Area Leadership Teams 3 county ANR/CED agents 3 subject matter specialists 1 ANR/CED program leader
ANR/CED Program Structure Role of the Leadership Teams • Establish and oversee Workgroups • Meet with Workgroup chairs • Develop State Action Agenda content • Coordinate in-service training planning and delivery • Prepare state-level Impact Statements using information provided by Workgroups • Function as the liaison between administration and the Workgroups • Coordinate special projects among Workgroups • Prepare Outcome Indicators for their Focus Area – State Action Agenda • Evaluate Workgroups annually for relevancy and effectiveness and determine renewal
ANR/CED Program Structure Focus Area Leadership Teams Jason Evitts, Central Region - (2016-2018) Dr. Brian Leib, Specialist (2016-2018) Lindsay Griffin, Western Region (2017-2019) Dr. Jason de Koff, Specilaist (2017-2019) Steven Huff, Eastern Region Agent (2018-2020) Dr. Tyson Raper, Specialist (2018-2020) Tracey Sullivan, Program Leader
ANR/CED Program Structure Application for Leadership Teams July 1 Application announcement made by statewide ANR/CED program leader Aug. 1 Agent and specialist applications will be submitted via a SharePoint application form available on the ANR/CED Internal Team site Sept. 1 – The regional program leaders will make recommendations of agents and area specialists to the state ANR/CED program leader. – The recommendations of specialists from department heads are due to the state program leader. Oct. 1 Agents and specialists are notified of Leadership Team assignments Jan. 1 Agents and specialists begin their role as a member of the Leadership Team and the new chairs and vice chairs assume their new role.
ANR/CED Program Structure Workgroups Workgroups are intended to support and enhance county-based educational programs Cotton Tobacco Corn Soybeans Wheat
ANR/CED Program Structure Workgroups Beef Dairy Equine Forage Small Ruminant 4-H Livestock Avian Influenza
ANR/CED Program Structure Workgroups Crop Nutrient Stewardship Energy Conservation Pesticide Safety Educational Program 4-H STEM
ANR/CED Program Structure Crop Nutrient Stewardship Lori Duncan, Specialist - Chair Greg Allen, Western Region Paul Hart, Central Region David Qualls, Central Region Lena Beth Reynolds, Eastern Region John Wilson, Eastern Region Mike Buschermohle, Specialist Shawn Hawkins, Specialist Angela McClure, Specialist Tyson Raper, Specialist Hugh Savoy, Specialist Forbes Walker, Specialist Pat Turman, NRCS John McClurkan, TDA David Duhl, TDEC There can be up to 15 university personnel on the workgroup committee, and up to 5 non-UT/TSU persons. Terms of service for each workgroup will be two years. New calls for membership on existing workgroups will be made in January after 2 years of service. All workgroup members are welcome to reapply. In an effort to keep all workgroups on the same schedule, any new workgroups formed during the 2 year service period may have initial terms of slightly more or less than the two years (as needed). Additional or replacement workgroup members may be added at any point during the year at the discretion of the leadership group.
ANR/CED Program Structure Workgroups • Conduct program needs assessments • Identify programming resource needs • Identify existing resource materials • Develop needed resource materials (websites, publications, etc.) • Review existing resource materials for relevance • Plan and deliver in-service training • Develop educational program Outcome Indicators • Develop and validate Program Evaluation Network (PEN) instruments • Provide information to Leadership Teams to support Statewide Impact Statements • Obtain funding to support educational programs as required • Initiate cooperation with existing and potential program partners
Cotton In-Service Training August 16th, 2016 Location: Mess Hall at Ames Plantation 11:00 AM -11:45 PM Box Lunch Location: MARY SCOTT 12:00 PM Nitrogen rate, timing - Dr. Tyson Raper 12:25 PM Making the replant decision - Mr. Shawn Butler 12:50 PM UAV use in cotton production - Dr. Mike Buschermohle 1:20 PM CST Trial placement, site variability - Mr. Ryan Blair 1:50 PM Potassium Rate, placement and impacts on earliness - Dr. Owen Gwathmey 2:15 PM Sulfur Deficiencies and updated recommendations - Dr. Frank Yin Location: JESSIE BUNTIN 2:45 PM Diseases and fungicides - Dr. Heather Kelly 3:10 PM Cotton varieties: what is new, what is coming - Ms. Andrea Jones 3:40 PM General Discussion, wrap-up - Dr. Tyson Raper 4:00 PM Travel to Lone Oaks 7:00 PM Dinner at Lone Oaks
ANR/CED Program Structure Workgroup Application Commercial Horticulture