OBHR 4P93 Planned Organizational Change Barry Wright bwright@brocku.ca Ext. 5034 Taro 457
Management Task Introduce yourself to a “new” colleague Find two “FORM” connections Family Occupation Recreation Message
Course Information Office Phone: (905) 688-5550 x5034 / Cell Phone: (289) 668-9624 Office: Goodman 457 E-Mail: bwright@brocku.ca Web page: http://spartan.ac.brocku.ca/~bwright/ (Google: Barry Wright’s Home Page) Office Hours: By appointment—please see me before or after class to make arrangements.
Course Perspective You are a Change Agent Consultant brought in to help an organization “enact” change Working at enacting “major” change within the organization Seminar Approach (this means you must be prepared for each lecture)
Assessment Case Exam 25% Participation 15% Written Assignment 25% Final project – SIM 35% Team result 10% Presentation 10% Written report 15% Total 100%
Change Assignment Inc. Canadian Business Forbes Fortune HBR Fast Company The Economist Business Week Entrepreneur You will be asked to briefly describe a recent major organizational change event announced in the business media Summary Discuss the change Draw from at least four course sources.
Experience Point
Problem Based learning What do I need to know / develop to be a successful change agent? Pair up – draw up a list of key things you need to know.
Quy Nguyen Huy is associate professor of strategy and management at INSEAD. He holds a Ph.D. from McGill University in Montreal, Canada. Next Day Read (from ABI inform on library page) Quy Nguyen Huy - Time, Temporal Capability, and Planned Change - Academy of Management Review - Vol. 26, No. 4, 601-623 When reading … What was the big message? 2) What did you find that was “interesting” 3) How did it relate to previous readings? 4) Were there any “holes” or weak points? 5) What did you take away? “Change Agent Lessons Learned” You MUST make a one-page typed written summary