Blending learning for revision and extended learning Russell Stannard
Russell Stannard Founder of Previously a teacher working in Spain, Greece, China and the UK. Last 15 years working at Westminster and Warwick University. Now a freelance consultant and just about to undertake my PhD.
Edmodo "Hugely positive feedback – some are using it already. Thank you so much – for us that is a major shift forward. Well done" (James Gregory- Torquay Grammar School for Girls) “ Russell, I simply had no idea that Edmodo could do all this and to think it is free. This has totally changed the way I deliver my classes. I found it especially useful at revision time. ( Maria Lopez- Teacher in Seville)
Edmodo One place. Share range of content. One password. Excellent security Share content/Students also Organize files. Track students. Mark students work. Keep a record of their work. Discussions. Quizzes. Polls. Assignments. Excellent control and moderation
Features Introduction Tracking Quizzes Assignments
A few ideas Students can revise together Teacher can set discussions Teacher can set tests/quizzes Content can be shared and organised Teachers can do discussion summaries Revision assignments can be set
More follow up Introduction to Edmodo Taking Edmodo to a higher level
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