Navigating the Homepage Janice M. Askew T. S. Cooper Elementary Homepage The Verizon Thinkfinity homepage is designed to help visitors locate resources and information quickly and easily. From the homepage you can access content such as Featured Resources, News, Lesson Plans, Interactive Games, Professional Development, Today in History (a calendar to locate resources related to specific dates) and several ways to stay informed via the Verizon Thinkfinity Community, including a variety of Web 2.0 tools. The gold navigation bar located near the top of the page directs you to the most commonly accessed starting points. Verizon Thinkfinity provides specific access points, including: In the classroom At Home and after school Professional Development Get Connected About Us Please take a few minutes to explore these features now. NOTE: Guide participants through several links from the homepage to acquaint them with what is available.
Educators will be able to locate numerous resources by choosing “In the Classroom.” Here you’ll be able to locate specific lesson plans from any of our Content Partners, as well as those which address 21st Century Skills or promote lifelong literacy. Today in History provides you with a calendar designed to make it easy to correlate a specific date with a learning activity for the classroom. Links to popular student interactives and media allow students and teachers alike to access these motivational materials. Use the powerful Verizon Thinkfinity Search Engine to quickly locate specific materials designed to meet your instructional needs.
Parents, Kids, and Care Givers will all enjoy finding materials that can be used at home or in an after school program. Games and Tools are always a favorite. Be sure to click on the More arrow to display an ever- changing list of these wonderful interactives. The featured resources tie in with special topics, global events, news, holidays and special events throughout time. Lifelong literacy resources are available in this area of the Verizon Thinkfinity Website.
Verizon Thinkfinity is dedicated to providing access to thousands of instructional resources as well as to strategies to help educators use these resources effectively in the classroom. To that end we provide a variety of professional development services including access to free training in face-to-face sessions, online learning, webinars, and the opportunity to share ideas with colleagues via the Verizon Thinkfinity Community. Note especially: The Verizon Foundation works with a network of State partners to deliver many of these services. Webinars are scheduled frequently to provide focused training on a flexible schedule basis. Recorded webinars are now available for individuals to view. A Trainer Recognition program highlights the outstanding work of individuals who are engaged in providing training in the use of Verizon Thinkfinity.
Get connected to the Verizon Thinkfinity Community Get connected to the Verizon Thinkfinity Community. You’ll be able to keep up with news related to Verizon Thinkfinity and all of the Content Partners. in addition, you can bookmark your favorite resources and have them readily available for your use. You’ll be able to participate in a host of discussions with other Verizon Thinkfinity users. Those of you who have your own website can even add Verizon Thinkfinity widgets to your web pages. If you plan to share Verizon Thinkfinity with others via some form of training opportunity, you’ll discover that you will have access to training materials which can be found in the Trainer Toolbox area of the Professional Development Community. This is the place to be!
Learn more about the Verizon Foundation, and those who work hard to bring this collection of resources directly to you. Locate late breaking news and media files form within the site’s Media Center. Need help? Use the Contact Us link to ask a question. We’re here to support you.