© Copyright The PiXL Club Ltd, 2017
ThinkIT! Topic: Praise and self-efficacy Topic: Brain development Create a timeline of brain development. Name and explain what each of the four sections in the cortex do. Explain, using examples, whether we would be able to tell which part of the brain was damaged based on the loss of function. How might nature/nurture affect the development of the brain? Topic: Learning styles Outline the learning styles, giving examples, Analyse the effectiveness of the research into learning styles. Discuss how this theory differs from traditional methods of teaching. Consider the practical limitations of the learning styles approach in education. Topic: Piaget’s Stages Using an example, explain how assimilation and accommodation differ? Piaget tested children, explain a limitation of assessing children’s cognitive development? Describe each of Piaget’s stages of development. Consider how studies such as the naughty teddy criticise Piaget’s stages. Topic: Willingham’s learning theory How does Williangham’s use of praise differ to Dweck? Discuss why his theory is seen as scientific. Analyse how his theory could be applied to education. How does he use cognitive neuroscience to back up his theory? Consider how his theory criticises the learning styles approach. Topic: Key study’s How was Hughes’ findings used to criticise the three mountain task and Piaget’s stages? Does this study have ecological validity? Explain how the language used might have affected the results? Outline and evaluate the method of the naughty teddy study. What type of data was found? Analyse the strengths and limitations of this type of data? ThinkIT! © Copyright The PiXL Club Ltd, 2017 Topic: Praise and self-efficacy Discuss what might be the potential issues of praise. Explain the role self-efficacy and praise play in learning. How would you suggest a parent should use praise and self-efficacy when raising a child? Use evidence to justify the role they play in learning. Topic: Dweck Explain whether Dweck argues learning is nature or nurture. Explain how failure is important. Distinguish between fixed and growth mindset. Discuss ways in which Dweck’s mindset has real life application. Outline and evaluate Dweck’s theory of learning. Topic: Application to education. Give examples of how his theory has been applied to education. Discuss the impact of these applications. How did his research contribute to the Howden report? How might the fact some children develop earlier than others question his approach?
GraspIT! Topic: Willingham’s learning theory Topic: Key study’s Topic: Brain development Where is the cerebellum located? What does the brain stem carry? Which part of the brain is only found in mammals? What is this part of the brain responsible for? Give at least two examples of factors that may affect brain development.Are the factors you identified nature or nurture? Topic: Learning styles Why are knowing about learning styles important in education (2) What is the difference between a verbal learning and a visual learner (2) Explain one strength and one limitation of the learning styles approach (4) Create an activity that teachers could use to teach a kinaesthetic learner the learning styles (2) Topic: Piaget’s Stages Evaluate Piaget’s research. (4) Is his theory of cognitive development is based on nature or nurture? (2) Using an example, what are schemas? (2) Define and explain conservation according to Piaget’s stages? (3) Outline Piaget’s stages of cognitive development. (4) Topic: Willingham’s learning theory Outline Willingham’s learning theory (4) Give one example of how it could be applied to education (2) Identify and describe one criticism of his theory (3) How has he linked dyslexia to the brain (2) Describe the marshmallow test (3) Topic: Key study’s Outline the method and findings of McGarrigle’s study. (5) How does what they found relate to Piaget’s stages? (2) Outline what the children were asked to do in Hughes’ study? (4) What was the aim and conclusion of Hughes study? (3) How is this a criticism of the three mountain task (2) GraspIT! © Copyright The PiXL Club Ltd, 2017 Topic: Praise and self-efficacy Using an example, what is meant by the terms praise and self efficacy? (4) Identify and explain one criticism of the role of praise and SE in learning (4) Explain the role self efficacy plays in motivation (2) Give an example of how praise is used in education (3) Topic: Dweck What does Dweck think is the key difference between people who fail and those who succeed? (2) Give one piece of research that supports her theory (2) What does it mean that we are on a continuum? (1) How might this theory be applied to real life? (3) Topic: Application to education. How has the concept of readiness been used in education? (2) For each of the stages give an example of how they could be used in education? (4) Why might Piaget’s stages be culturally biased (2) How might the concept that we improve with practice be an evaluation of Piaget? (3)
KnowIT! Topic: Brain development Give two examples of the functions the autonomic nervous system controls (2) Where is the cerebellum located? (1) What is meant by nature nurture debate (2) What is meant by cognition (1) List the four parts of the cortex (4) Topic: Learning styles State what a visual learner is (1) Define what learning styles are (2) Name one activity you could do as a visual learner (1) State one way this is different from traditional methods (2) Name one method you might use to assess which style a person is (1) Topic: Piaget’s Stages A child has a cat, so all things with fur and four legs are a cat, one it meets a dog. Would the child need to use accommodation or assimilation? (1) What age does pre-operational occur (1) What is meant by object permanence (1) If a child can deal with abstract concepts they are in which stage (1) Topic: Willingham’s learning theory What has Willingham based his theory on? (1) True or false. Willingham believes praise should be unexpected. (1) What % of children had eaten the marshmallow after 15 mins (1) Define cognitive neuroscience (1) Topic: Key study’s How many pp’s did Hughes use? (1) What were the findings (2) What is one strength of this study (2) What was the aim of McGarrigle’s study (2) What is meant by conservation (2) Briefly outline the procedure (3) KnowIT! © Copyright The PiXL Club Ltd, 2017 Topic: Praise and self-efficacy Define what is meant by praise (2) Give an example of how praise can be positive (2) Identify one criticism of the role of prise and self-efficacy in learning (2) What impact do others have on your self-efficacy (2) Topic: Dweck What is meant by fixed mindset (2) Being praised for effort is part of which mindset (1) Describe how someone with a growth mindset deals with failure (2) Explain why it is seen as a continuum (2) Topic: Application to education. What is discovery learning (2) Why is play important (2) Hands on activities such as role play would be good for which stage (1) State two ways his theory could be applied to education (2)