Hexapoda Insecta Pterygota Neoptera Holometabola Apterygotes Entognatha Archaeognatha Hexapoda Zygentoma = Thysanura Ephemeroptera Insecta Odonata Plecoptera Embiodea Pterygota Zoraptera Dermaptera Grylloblattodea ? Mantophasmatodea Orthoptera Phasmatodea Blattaria Isoptera Mantodea Neoptera Psocoptera Phthiraptera Thysanoptera Hemiptera Coleoptera Rhaphidioptera Megaloptera Neuroptera Hymenoptera Holometabola Mecoptera Siphonaptera Diptera Apterygotes Strepsiptera Trichoptera Paleoptera Lepidoptera Hemimetabolous Holometabolous
Hexapod Orders Ephemeroptera Ephemero - short-lived, ptera - wings Number of Species ca. 2000 Common names mayflies, shadflies Typical habitats Nymphs - aquatic, Adult - aerial Distinguishing characteristics -three tails (cerci) -non-foldable wings Other features -short lived -don’t feed as adults
Ephemeroptera Superficially look like Plecoptera (stoneflies) but… Ephemeroptera Plecoptera -abodminal gills -thoracic gills
-originally terrestrial - then invaded water Ephemeroptera -originally terrestrial - then invaded water -first invade lotic streams -then radiate to lentic streams
Ephemeroptera - Life History subimago nymph Egg laying imago (adult) Mating swarm
Ephemeroptera - Mating Male Female in vegetation
Ephemeroptera - Ecological Classification of Nymphs Lotic forms Lentic forms Free-ranging Climbers Clinging Clinging Silt Burrowers