PRESENTATION OUTLINE Review of LAUSD Public School Choice Renewals Background Timeline Renewal Criteria Renewal Process PSC Renewal Norms and Reviewer Expectations Sample Observation Lesson Sample Visit Debrief Closing
PSC RENEWAL BACKGROUND The Public School Choice (PSC) motion directed the Superintendent to develop a “reauthorization process for operators of new and existing schools that is based on regular performance evaluations.”
PSC RENEWAL BACKGROUND Renewal process is an accountability checkpoint to ensure schools continue to meet PSC expectations Renewal occurs through the lens of turnaround and improvement Opportunity for District to understand which indicators might predict success PSC schools have no contract or MOU – “renewal” means reauthorization to continue as a PSC school for the specified number of years
PSC RENEWAL TIMELINE Renewal timeline established in 2009-10 during PSC 1.0; schools generally approved with a 5-year renewal cycle. PSC 1.0 and 2.0 schools “Approved with Reservations” require a Renewal Review after 3 years of plan implementation. If a school appears to be steadily declining or is otherwise cause for concern, it may undergo a Renewal Review at the Superintendent’s discretion, regardless of implementation year. To the extent possible, multiple review processes for a school (e.g. PSC pilot school, PSC charter school) will be integrated into a single review. For co-located PSC schools, every effort will be made to review all schools at the same time on a shared campus.
PSC RENEWAL CRITERIA Performance Goals and Continuous Improvement How has the school met various performance targets and/or improved over time? Academic Achievement What evidence is there of progress in academic achievement overall and for sub-groups? School Climate, Behavior and Operations What signs are there of a safe, welcoming, well-run campus (e.g. attendance, suspensions, positive behavior support, parent engagement, school survey data)?
REVIEW TEAM COMPOSITION Staff from the Office of School Design Options notifies and supports appropriate party (Local Superintendent, Instructional Director, etc.), and helps assemble the review team and facilitate the review process. Review Team members may include: Instructional Directors Teachers Administrators Parents/Guardians Classified Staff Central Office and/or District staff
SITE VISITS Most PSC schools were approved for a 5-year cycle. PSC Schools must complete an Annual Self-Review unless they are in a renewal year. Schools “Approved with Reservations” are reviewed after 3 years. Schools may undergo a Renewal Review at the Superintendent’s discretion, regardless. To the extent possible, multiple review processes for a school will be integrated into a single review. Charter schools are reviewed in collaboration with the Charter Division Lead Partner school site visits are aligned with MOU Renewals Pilot Schools Steering Committee members participate in site visits Linked Learning schools undergoing Certification are jointly reviewed Schools undergoing WASC may opt for a mock WASC or defer renewal
Superintendent Decision PSC RENEWAL PROCESS Superintendent Decision (May-June) Compile Ratings & Recs (April-May) School Visit (February-April) Data Review (November-December) Review Team Assigned to Each School
DATA REVIEW School-specific data Comparative data Data compiled for a 3-5 year period, for multiple points – such as from the California Dashboard, annual School Experience Surveys as well as PSC Annual School Review reports and WASC reviews (HS and MS). School-specific data Comparative data Extent of growth, change Signs of positive trajectories School plans (as appropriate) Self-reflections (Annual School Reviews) Data Review
School Visit & Survey (opt.) School visits, interviews, and surveys conducted as needed, at the discretion of the Review Panel. Provide an opportunity to observe classroom instruction, non-classroom environments, general cleanliness and orderliness. Reviewers ask specific questions of students, parents and teachers regarding the school’s academic program, behavioral supports, community engagement as well as collaboration on a shared campus. In the absence of state test data, school visits will be utilized for a significant portion of the renewal recommendation. School Visit & Survey (opt.)
RATINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Compile Ratings & Recs The Review Team assesses progress in academic achievement, self-determined goals, evidence of school turnaround, and fidelity to the school plan and determines whether the school is making substantial progress, moderate progress, some progress, or not making progress. This information is summarized for the Superintendent. RATINGS Making Substantial Progress Making Moderate Progress Making Some Progress Not Making Progress RECOMMENDATIONS 5 Year Renewal 1 to 4 Year Renewal Immediate Intervention
SUPERINTENDENT’S DECISIONS Superintendent Decision RENEWAL ACTION 5 Year Renewal 1 to 4 Year Renewal Immediate Intervention Superintendent considers reviewers’ input and recommendations, and determines the renewal status and next steps for each school. Schools making substantial progress will be renewed and may continue as a PSC school. Schools making moderate, some, or no progress may receive a 4-year or shorter renewal period (during which the school may be asked to meet specified benchmarks) or undergo a major intervention. Schools notified of PSC renewal decision and any necessary next steps via letter.
Sample Observation Lesson Step 1: We will observe lessons for the following 2 TLF Elements 3b1. Quality and Purpose of Questions 3c2. Purposeful and Productive Instructional Groups Step 2: Using your observation tool write down what you see and hear Step 3: Spend 5-minutes: highlighting evidence you may have observed for each element write the evidence in the corresponding row provide a rating Use the Depth of Knowledge Wheel as a reference while you rate the observations
Sample Observation Debrief Step 1: Write your evidence for each Element on Post-it Notes and place them over the element found on the wall Step 2: Tally the number of observations as a large group Step 3: Reach group consensus on Stars (Commendations) and Polishers (Recommendations) Stars and Polishers based on elements observed
Frequently Asked Questions Who assembles the Review Team? The Office of School Design Options works closely with the Local District Director to assign 3-5 reviewers to each school. The host school is asked to assign 3-5 School Leadership Team members to participate in the classroom observations and debrief. Who selects the Teaching and Learning Framework Focus Elements? The host school is asked to provide 2-4 instructional focus elements they are currently implementing to be observed. Who selects the parent, teacher and student focus group members? The host school selects a representative mix of up to 8 participants for each focus group. Does the school have to write a report? No, the Office of School Design Options will compile commendations and recommendations for the Superintendent. The Superintendent will authorize a letter with the renewal terms. Are funds available for substitutes or refreshments? Unfortunately, no funding is available.