Workshop objective Establish the status, priorities and mechanism for Atlantic Seabed Mapping to underpin ocean observation, predictive modelling and forecasting, which will enable sustainable resource and improved risk management Galway Statement Implementation - Atlantic Seabed Mapping Workshop. Dublin, Ireland, 2 December 2014.
Workshop outcome Prioritised recommendations for a strategic seabed mapping initiative Identify mapping targets for pilot survey(s) Leverage of existing ocean exploration knowledge, infrastructure and programmes Integrating mapping, observation & forecasting initiatives Galway Statement Implementation - Atlantic Seabd Mapping Workshop. Dublin, Ireland, 2 December 2014.
Key points to develop in Action Plan Integration taking place on each side of the Atlantic Need for better communication, sharing of best practice and action on: survey planning (co-ordination and sharing capacity, trans-national access to platforms and skills) data collection (technologies (AUVs etc)) distributed data warehouse (formats, interoperability, quality) data sharing (open access); outputs for use by modelers and mariners e.g high-resolution bathymetry, roughness, gradient; linked international classification systems Aspire to map the entire Atlantic starting with target pilot area(s) - minimum reconnaissance data suite Raising awareness - ocean literacy Better linkages across programmes; updating terms of reference (e.g GEBCO); involvement of industry Establish Working Groups through existing mechanisms (BG?) Galway Statement Implementation - Atlantic Seabed Mapping Workshop. Dublin, Ireland, 2 December 2014.
Session 2. Status & direction Making it happen Current/planned key seabed mapping projects/initiatives What are the key/priority issues to be addressed (standardisation, classification, data access and sharing) What are the necessary actions towards addressing priority issues identified Galway Statement Implementation - Atlantic Seabd Mapping Workshop. Dublin, Ireland, 2 December 2014.
Session 3. Large scale Seabed Mapping Data Integration & Exchange Linking disparate datasets What are the current/planned key data integration and exchange projects/initiatives? What are the key/priority issues to be addressed (e.g standardisation, data access and sharing, use of ships of opportunity etc)? How can the key/priority issues be operationalised? Galway Statement Implementation - Atlantic Seabd Mapping Workshop. Dublin, Ireland, 2 December 2014.
Session 4. Atlantic Ocean Observation, Prediction, Forecasting What do modellers need from seabed maps? What is the current status of ocean observation – what are the critical gaps? What do modellers need from seabed mapping to improve ocean prediction and forecasting? How can the key/priority issues be addressed (joint research, pilot projects etc)? Galway Statement Implementation - Atlantic Seabd Mapping Workshop. Dublin, Ireland, 2 December 2014.
Session 5. Aligning mapping & ocean observing efforts to deliver societal, environmental and industrial needs across the Atlantic How well are current seabed mapping and ocean observation efforts being aligned to deliver these needs? What are the key issues/priorities that need to be addressed to improve the current situation? What mechanisms can be put in place to address these priorities (e.g training, expert working groups etc)? Galway Statement Implementation - Atlantic Seabd Mapping Workshop. Dublin, Ireland, 2 December 2014.
What is needed to define Atlantic Seabed Mapping Pilot Initiatives? Incorporate: Collaborative infrastructure Knowledge transfer Advance and post-project data integration and sharing to underpin observation and forecasting needs Communicate support for existing Atlantic initiatives, policies, alliances underpinning mapping & ocean observation and identify value in Trans-Atlantic collabration Galway Statement Implementation - Atlantic Seabd Mapping Workshop. Dublin, Ireland, 2 December 2014.
Tangible and achievable outcomes? Seabed Mapping Technology Working Group Atlantic Mapping Standards Working Group Pilot Training, Capacity Building and Knowledge Transfer schemes Galway Statement Implementation - Atlantic Seabd Mapping Workshop. Dublin, Ireland, 2 December 2014.