Informal Book Talks (Quiz Grade) For this Informal Book Talk, you will each give a short and informal presentation about your book. The idea is for this to be more of a discussion style format rather than a formal presentation in front of the class. We will sit in a circle (possibly with yummy snacks) and discuss our books in a fun conversational way. You will still be graded (see attached rubric), but as long as you go into some depth and give your best effort in discussing your book, you should be successful. When is this due? _______________________________ Some examples of Book Talks: The Giver - Frankenstein - Under a Painted Sky - The Sun is Also a Star - Popular Books I Don’t Like (Examples of Negative Book Reviews) -
Book Talk Grading Rubric ____/10 points — Introduction includes author, title, and publication date. ____/10 points — Actual book presented for visual. ____/10 points — Book summary is not too long, but provides enough details to develop an understanding of the book’s main characters/ideas; summary suggests speaker has full knowledge of the book being discussed. ____/10 points — Recommendation for or against book is supported by at least 3 well-reasoned points. ____/10 points — A passage/specific quote is read with sufficient energy and explanation. ____/30 points — All behaviors of good public speaking are demonstrated, including sufficient voice volume and modulation, few “umms” and “likes,” use of note cards for outline only (no reading from note cards), eye contact with audience is maintained, speech is 3-4 minutes in length. ____/20 points —Participation as an audience member is respectful, engaged, and appropriate. /100 TOTAL SCORE