Low Cost, Quick Turnaround, Empirical Data-Driven Workforce Analyses and Prediction Consulting HR Specialty Products & Services Catalogue Executive Summary A No Frills Distillation of Vendor’s Marketing Collateral Thomas A Ference President & CEO Human Resources Mining & Distribution Co Locating, Validating and Accelerating HR Innovation Office: 219-662-0201 Cell: 630-240-2583 Fax: 219-661-0236 e-mail: tference@hrmdco.com Website: www.hrmdco.com
Workforce Planning Data Analyses Employers may need to know about micro or macro changes occurring in the workforce so as to better target their recruiting, training, staffing, diversity, compensation and other workforce related initiatives. Under typical workforce planning studies, consultants work with the clients internal data and then pool in additional clients’ data but this still results in small samples of biased data. Instead, this workforce planning data service is completely unique in that they actually have good data. Their benchmarking data represents 130 million workers in the US labor market representing almost every occupation and industry in each region of the US. Experience has been that they can deliver results at 20% or less of the cost of the major HR / comp consultancies and within 20% or less of the required study time
Veracity of the Data The database contains 90% of the occupations in the workforce, across 400,000 employers, with robust coverage of administrative, transportation, warehousing, manufacturing, sales, educational, engineering, IT, etc. Uses an O*NET standards-based (O*NET is the new Gold Standard) of 900 basic occupations with 2400+ levels vs. vs. typical 400 occupations and 1050 levels from major consultancies Has real data on 560 metro and non-metro area vs. traditional “metro area only” approach that requires application of area adjustments factors Occupations are included in data set only if there are at least 25 or more respondents for that occ in a region from within the past 12 months and the data is dynamically adjusted each week as data flows in and out
Case Studies #1 Workforce diversity analysis for a large retailer -How does employer compare to other large retailers for employment of women and minorities -Sales persons, managers, office administrators -Analyses were done for 12 regions in US #2 Replacement of retiring petroleum engineers with graduates from majors other than petroleum engineering -Client had a large percentage of workers retiring in next 5 years -Not enough petroleum engineering grads in schools to replace the retirees -Client needed to know if grads from other engineering disciplines have a history of successfully transitioning to petroleum industry -Provided data showing 2 majors were applicable to petroleum engineering (workers stayed in industry at wages similar to peers)
Case Studies #3 Cost comparison between FTE and temp workers -Aerospace client wanted cost comparison for engineering, technician and administrative occupations (over 200 occupations) -Compare wages of FTE to wages of temp workers (where available) -3 regions of US #4 Turnover rates for young workers within in IT industry -Compare the quit rates across 4 regions of US -Included persons under 30 years and delineated by male and female #5 Defense of wage discrimination case against female workers -Client paid some female workers less than male counterparts in same occupations -Client wanted data showing females are paid less than males in their industry and other industries -Provided data showing that client paid women more than industry peers
Next Steps This product/service is contained in the HR Specialty Products & Services Catalogue™ Operational level details about this particular service provider can be obtained in conference with the vendor The HR Mining &Distribution Co. is an independent and contracted representative of the vendor Upon your request, we will arrange for an introduction that can range from a simple, quick conference call to a services overview / system demo Tom Ference 219-662-0201 (Chicagoland area) or tference@hrmdco.com Thank you for your potential interest in this fresh thinking