What exactly does this mean? Task 2 – P2 Criterion It concentrates on ‘Roles and Responsibilities’ of tourism organisations. What exactly does this mean? Organisations involved in travel and tourism vary in size from large, multinational corporations to small, independent operators. Regardless of their size, all travel and tourism organisations have responsibilities to a range of ‘stakeholders’ – anybody with an interest in the organisation.
These include: Customers – to supply products and services in a safe, secure and efficient manner; The Industry – trade associations try to ensure that all members of T&T industry operate professionally; Other organisations – including H M Revenue and Customs, the Competition Commission, Health and Safety Executive, local authorities, etc
Roles and Responsibilities T&T orgs have a number of primary roles and responsibilities: To meet organisational aims; 2. To provide services and products. 3. To be responsible to stakeholders 4. To be environmentally and ethically responsible 5. To contribute to international and UK economies
Meeting organisational aims. An organisation’s aims will vary depending on which sector it operates in. Commercial travel and tourism organisations operating in the ‘profit sector’ aim to; Make a profit; Maximise sales revenue; Increase market share; Ensure compliance with regulations
What you need to do
Public and voluntary sector bodies, found in the ‘not-for-profit sector’, have much wider social and community aims and objectives. Such bodies: Provide services which benefit the public or the community; Provide the services at rates that make them accessible to all – often subsidised; Provide services which are beneficial to society – e.g. promote health; Reinvest any profits in the organisation; Depend mainly on government grants or donations for funding.
Provide services and products. The T&T industry is ultimately in existence to provide holidays and other travel services and products. For most companies this means dealing with the public, but may also involve working with other members of the ‘travel trade’.
In pairs brainstorm a list of organisations and classify them as either being part of the ‘profit’ or ‘not-for-profit’ sectors
Not for profit sector Profit sector
Sectors of the T&T industry The T&T industry can be divided into the profit sector and the not for profit sector. Your next assignment focuses on these sectors. You will research three orgs from the Travel and Tourism Industry – profit or not-for profit. You will describe the key roles and responsibilities of each organisation for P2. Remember to take each organisation in turn and describe its role and responsibilities using the headings as outlined earlier.
Profit Sector Tour Operators Airlines Virgin Trains Hotels Travel and Tourism is dominated by commercial organisations that operate in the profit sector. Their primary aim is to make a profit for their owners and any shareholders they may have. Tour Operators Airlines Virgin Trains Hotels Travel Agents Translink
Not-for-profit sector The not-for-profit sector of T&T includes all those organisations that have wider social and community aims. They include all the public sector organisations involved with travel and tourism, voluntary sector bodies such as conservation and heritage groups. AITO Regulatory Boards Tourist Boards Heritage organisations Conservation groups NI Tourist Board National Trust CAA
Task Select three organisations from any sector of the travel and tourism industry. Produce a fact file with a separate section for each organisation selected. Profit sector: Translink Not-for-profit sector: The National Trust.
Each section should contain a description of the following: an introduction to the organisation including which sector they are in, a brief overview of the organisation and description of the products and services they offer Their main organisational aims and how they meet them Providing products and services To be responsible to Stakeholders To be environmentally and ethically responsible To contribute to international and UK economies
Their main organisational aims and how they meet them
Providing products and services
To be responsible to Stakeholders
To be environmentally and ethically responsible
To contribute to international and UK economies
Where one of the above listed roles and responsibilities is not relevant to the chosen organisation, it should be explained why. The description should be in your own words and not copied from websites or publicity materials. However, relevant (referenced) quotes from either may be used to support the description.