Louisiana Virtual School By Shylo Morrison EDTC 650
Louisiana Virtual School The Louisiana Virtual School is the Louisiana Department of Education in partnership with the Louisiana School for Math, Science and Arts, providing state high school students access to standards-based courses delivered by certified teachers via the Internet. The LVS is funded through the BESE grants through the Louisiana Quality Education Support Fund – 8(g) It affords schools the opportunity to expand learning opportunities to students through courses that would not otherwise be available to them. The 2008-2009 school year marks the beginning of their 9th year. In the last five years they have grown from 130 students to 3000 students.
Louisiana Virtual School
How Students Get Connected LVS consists of roughly 300 participating high schools. Each high school has a LVS-trained school site facilitator who registers students for courses and serves as a liaison between the local school's students and LVS. Credit is granted and posted by the student's home school. The LVS is not a credit granting institution. Classes are either core or elective courses. A mid-term progress report and final letter grade is issued by the instructor and sent to the student’s home school via the Department of Education. The school handles all credits according to local policy.
Who Can Attend? LVS courses are open to any student who attends an approved public or nonpublic school in Louisiana. All courses, books, workbooks, and supplementary materials are provided free of charge by LVS for qualified students.
Courses Offered LVS offers more than 60 of the following courses: AP Calculus, AP English Literature and Composition, AP English Language and Composition, AP European History, AP Human Geography, AP U.S. History, AP Psychology, Astronomy, Biology, Calculus, Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth Science, English, Environmental Science, Fine Arts Survey, French, Geometry, Independent Study in Technology, Latin, Physics, Spanish, Study Skills, World Geography, and World History
Courses Offered (Cont.) Full-year courses worth one Carnegie Unit Block schedule courses lasting only half a school year, worth one Carnegie Unit Block schedule courses worth one half of a Carnegie Unit Dual Enrollment (college and high school credits)
Evaluation of Website Websites effectiveness in serving; - Parents - Students - Teachers / Facilitators
Parents and Students Website contains current announcements on the home page for both parents and students, alerting them of any changes or upcoming events. Website allows them access to the most current information; such as the calendar and frequently asked questions.
Parents and Students Website provides a list of contacts to the teachers, administrators, program coordinators and technical support.
Parents and Students Under Course Offerings there are detailed descriptions of courses taught, prerequisites and requirements.
Facilitators and Teachers Website allows them 24 hour log-on to view students’ progress in real time. Blackboard interactive allows them to evaluate students’ standings when compared to fellow classmates. Blackboard also allows them direct communications with students using email and interactive chat functions.
References Louisiana Virtual School (2009). Retrieved March 15,2009, from Web site: http://www.louisianavirtualschool.net/ Louisiana Department of Education (2009). Retrieved March 15, 2009 from Web site: http://www.doe.state.la.us/ Louisiana School of Math, Science, and the Arts (2009). Retrieved March 15, 2009 from Web site: http://www.lsmsa.edu/ YouTube (2009). Retrieved March 15, 2009 from Web site: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X69MJUPBk5I Blackboard (2009). Retrieved March 15, 2009 from Web site: http://www.blackboard.com/quicktutorials/quicktutorials.htm Greer, R. (2009). Louisiana's Nationally Ranked Virtual School Extends Student Access to Required and Elective Courses. Retrieved March 15, 2009 from Web site: http://wwwprd.doa.louisiana.gov/LaNews/PublicPages/Dsp_PressRelease_Display.cfm ?PressReleaseID=1929&Rec_ID=5