Trouble in the Colonies Chapter 2, Section 3 Pages 134-141
Glossary/Vocabulary: words in red Boston Tea Party: led to the passage of the Coercive Acts of 1774 The Stamp Act: passed by the British to raise money Lexington: shot heard “round the world” fired here Militia: group of citizen soldiers Boston Massacre: killed five colonists
New British Policies The French and Indian War Indians joined the French Between British and French, British won 1754-1763 The Proclamation of 1763 Gave British French territory Britain said you couldn’t move West Controlled movement, less Indian conflicts
The British Tax the Colonies Pay for war-financial problems 1764: Sugar Act: lower tax on imported molasses British hoped to stop smuggling (trade illegally with other nations) Stamp Act:printed material tax (newspapers) Angry colonists boycotted (refused to buy) Townshend Acts: 1767 Imported goods taxed: glass, tea, paper, lead
Tax Protests lead to Revolt The Boston Massacre March 5, 1770 5 unarmed colonists were shot Samuel Adams organized rebellions
Tax Protests lead to Revolt Boston Tea Party 1773: Tea Act- British East India Co. did not have to pay the same taxes as colonial tea merchants, which threatened colonial tea merchants to go out of business Coercive Acts punished Colonists Closed down Boston Harbor
A Call to Arms Continental Congress Delegates from colonies 1774: challenged British control Sam Adams, John Adams, Patrick Henry, George Washington Congress’ most important resolution was to form a militia
The Coming Revolution Minutemen Paul Revere Lexington Concord Trained militia ready to fight “in a minute’s notice” King George III: tells Parliament New England colonies “in a state of rebellion” Paul Revere Warned the British were coming Lexington First shots fired on British Concord Minutemen militia held Boston under siege
The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow You will break into 5 groups and prepare a skit, rap, or recitation of Longfelllow’s poem using the first three stanzas on pg. 143, and the last two stanzas on pg. 147. Every group member must have a part in the presentation! You will be graded on your voice projection, expression, fluency, eye contact, and action [changing your voice, or using a prop]. Just have fun with this!!