European Tertiary Education Register Oliver Heiden DG EAC Education and Training Statistics Working Group, Luxembourg 18-19 June 2018
What is ETER? ETER European Tertiary Education Register Goal: construct a register of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and collect comparable data on them Timeframe: 2013-2017 National Statistical Authorities provide most of the data Service Contract of DG EAC with DG RTD and Eurostat Implemented by five university and civil society partners
ETER vs. Eurostat Products Level of Data Aggregation ETER: data are at the level of individual HEI's Eurostat: data are national aggregates ETER permits fine-grained analysis of HEI characteristics HEI size, function, subject, etc. Differences between countries Statistical inference on HEI characteristics
What is the data coverage? About 2700 HEIs 17m. students (approximately 85% of tertiary education students) 32 Countries EU-28 + EFTA + CC Note: BE(fr), SI, RO, ME, and TR only list their HEIs Four years 2011-2014
What entities are included? Universities, colleges, schools of arts, etc. Recognizable distinct organizations Nationally recognised as an HEI Provide tertiary education at ISCED 2011 level 5,6,7, and/or 8 Exclusions RPOs Delivering tertiary education is side activity Professional associations Very small HEIs (<200 students or <30 units of staff)
What variables are reported? Institutional Descriptors Legal status, institutional type, foundation year Geographical Info. (NUTS-3, postcode, geo coord.) Staff Total vs. academic with certain demographic information Expenditures and Revenues (limited) Students and Graduates ISCED-2011 level, gender, citizenship, mobility, FOE Erasmus student mobility Research NOTE: Currently most data is cross-sectional. In future, panels will be available.
What policy questions can ETER help address? Do we have too many universities? Should we have less/more geographically concentrated universities? Should we concentrate resources in a small number of institutions? Do we need more specialist universities in dedicated fields? Are our universities too dependent on government funding?
Distribution of HEIs per year of foundation
Many small HEIs (private, specialized) The core of the system is composed by large generalist universities
Geographical distribution of specialized HEIs
PhD intensity by country
Internationalization of academic staff Large differences between countries But also between HEIs within countries
Internationalization of student body Mobility increases strongly by educ. level Differences between HEIs too High rates at the BA and MA level are exceptional
Thank-you. Oliver Heiden Policy Officer DG EAC.A.4 Evidence-Based Policy and Evaluation Directorate-General for Education and Culture European Commission TEL: +32 2 29 69 285