74LS283 4-Bit Binary Adder with Fast Carry Heather Weaver hxw133@psu.edu 897-8551
Pin mappings Pins 12, 14, 3, and 5 are input A (MSB to LSB) Pins 11, 15, 2, and 6 are input B (MSB to LSB) Pins 10, 13, 1, and 4 are the outputs (MSB to LSB) Pin 8 is ground Pin 15 is Vcc Pin 7 is carry in and Pin 9 is carry out
Bit Slices Equation for ith bit Si = Ai XOR Bi XOR ci A and B are the inputs C is the carry-in bit Carry occurs 2 ways Generate – the added bits are both 1 Propagate – one add bit is 1 and the carry in bit is 1
Timing of CLA Equations for generate & propagate Generate: gi = Ai AND Bi Propagate: pi = Ai OR Bi Carry-out in terms of generate and propagate: ci+1 = gi AND pi OR ci Each bit slice of CLA has 3 levels of delay One level for generate & propagate signals Two levels for sum of products