Widening Opportunities: Local Community Electives Dr Enam Haque Clinical Senior Lecturer, University of Manchester
Context Year 4 MBChB 6 weeks Year 4 GP Lead Widening Participation Lead
The Case: Professor Val Wass Recommendation 8: ….Exposure to…a variety of practices…general practice Multidisciplinary Teams..the range of general practice services. Recommendation 9: Positive and enthusiastic General Practitioner role models should be identified and made visible across all medical schools.
The Case Caring responsibilities Financial constraints Other responsibilities
Aims Immersion in GP Role modelling Better understand primary care
Method Elective pathway Established undergraduate teaching practices 16 Electives Practices paid for 3 days in GP
Pre Placement Why did you choose a GP elective? What are you hoping to most get out of the elective? What was the hardest part of organising your elective?
Post Placement Are you happy that you chose a GP elective? Did you achieve your ILOs? What was the best bit? What was the most challenging?
Future plans 25+ Elective Placements Assistance for students to find a Placement Further evaluation