Welcome, Parents! Miss Keegan Primary 2
Classroom Routine Timing Activity 9.00-9.15 School starts, Attendance/Active Start 9.15-9.30 Maths Circle – Number talk/mental maths 9:30 - 10:40 Maths – Games and assessment 10:40-10.55 Break 10.55:11.45 Language – writing, reading, spelling 11.45:12.35 Language – Games and assessment 12:35:1:20 Lunch 1.20:2.10 Social Studies/ RME/HWB 2.10:3.00 Gym/EXA 3.00 Home Time This is what a typical day in our classroom looks like.
Classroom Rules Keep the classroom clean and tidy (Elena). Take care of our toys/resources (Stephen). Be friendly to everyone (Mia). Cool down and talk about our problems (Ava). Listen to others (Corey).
Dojo Points Children will receive Dojo Points for following our school rules and school values. Parents will be given password so they can keep up to date with their child’s progress each week. On a Friday the boy/girl with the most dojo points gets to choose a reward.
Gym Days Our gym days are Monday and Wednesday afternoon. Could you please make sure your child has appropriate kit on these days.
Homework Children will be issued with Word List (green) and Reading Marker (red). New Reading Book will be issued on a Friday. Maths ‘learn-its’ In class I will show you some additional games you can play with children at home. We also encourage children to use Sumdog (for daily maths practise) and Bug Club (to read a range of books). I will issue cards with log in details. Encourage children to be as independent as possible.
Communication https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/re/cochrane/ - Availiable end of the school day.
Let’s Have a Great Year!