Jeopardy Hosted by Mr. Martin
potpourri potpourri potpourri potpourri 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500
A politically organized union that has four essential features What is state? A politically organized union that has four essential features Population, territory, Sovereignty, established govt. 100,1
A people bound together by a common heritage culture, and language. What is Nation? A people bound together by a common heritage culture, and language. 100,2
The ability to exercise complete independence from any other What is sovereignty? The ability to exercise complete independence from any other country’s influence. 100,3
One person or group used force to establish its authority over What is Force? One person or group used force to establish its authority over all others within an area. 100,4
One feature that all American colonial constitutions had prior What was separation of powers? One feature that all American colonial constitutions had prior to the Revolution. 200,1
He came up with the idea that people have natural rights that Who is John Locke? He came up with the idea that people have natural rights that include life, liberty, and property. States get their power to govern from the people. 200,2
All citizens vote individually on What is Direct Democracy? All citizens vote individually on every decision. 200,3
People are elected to make decisions on behalf of all the What is Indirect Democracy (Republic)? People are elected to make decisions on behalf of all the people. 200,4
Type of government where all power belongs to a single, What is Unitary? Type of government where all power belongs to a single, central government. 300,1
Type of government where power is shared between the What is Federal? Type of government where power is shared between the central government and regional levels of government. 300,2
Free enterprise, free markets, What is capitalism? Free enterprise, free markets, Supply & demand. 300,3
First established the idea of limited government. The What is Magna Carta? First established the idea of limited government. The power of kings is limited 300,4
of powers; three branches of Who is Montesquieu? He established idea of separation of powers; three branches of government. 400,1
He came up with the idea of free speech is a natural right. Who is Voltaire? He came up with the idea of free speech is a natural right. 400,2
Colony owned by a person who had total control over the land What is Proprietary? Colony owned by a person who had total control over the land given to him by the king 400,3
Colony which was authorized What is Charter? Colony which was authorized to self-govern. 400,4
Colony which had a king-appointed governor who exercised strict What is Royal? Colony which had a king-appointed governor who exercised strict power. 500,1
British policy of letting colonies govern themselves so long as What is Salutary Neglect? British policy of letting colonies govern themselves so long as Britain profited from them. 500,2
The type of government used by What was direct democracy? The type of government used by ancient Athens. 500,3
Make the colonies a sovereign What was the purpose of the Declaration of Independence? Make the colonies a sovereign nation. 500,4