Comprehensive, Integrated, Three-Tiered (Ci3T) Model of Prevention Student Created Materials Session 5 April 20, 20XX
Student Ideas for Implementation Materials
Coupon Certificates
Supports Students Know of In School (e. g Supports Students Know of In School (e.g., secondary [Tier 2] supports)
Supports Students Know of In School Students were asked questions about supports offered at their school, such as who, what, and where they could go if they need assistance. The following slides include a compilation of students’ responses from the Ci3T student Session 5.
What supports are available at your school What supports are available at your school? Who, What, or Where can you go if . . . 1. You are a new student or are a freshman at your school?
What supports are available at your school What supports are available at your school? Who, What, or Where can you go if . . . 2. You want to have leadership opportunities or join a club?
What supports are available at your school What supports are available at your school? Who, What, or Where can you go if . . . 3. You need some extra help with reading, math, and/ or science?
What supports are available at your school What supports are available at your school? Who, What, or Where can you go if . . . 4. You need some help with your homework/improve in a specific class?
What supports are available at your school What supports are available at your school? Who, What, or Where can you go if . . . 5. When your classes are too easy and you need more challenging work?
What supports are available at your school What supports are available at your school? Who, What, or Where can you go if . . . 6. You need help arriving to school or class on time and avoiding tardiness?
What supports are available at your school What supports are available at your school? Who, What, or Where can you go if . . . 7. You need help resolving problems with friends or to better get along with another student ?
What supports are available at your school What supports are available at your school? Who, What, or Where can you go if . . . 8. You need support for the SAT/ACT or post-high school opportunities preparation (college applications, scholarships, technical school, job market)?
What supports are available at your school? 9. Additional supports: