The cookie diet Two different cookie diets: The Mr. Siegal cookie diet and the Hollywood cookie diet Dr. Siegal diet cookies, whats in them, how many.


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Presentation transcript:

The cookie diet Two different cookie diets: The Mr. Siegal cookie diet and the Hollywood cookie diet Dr. Siegal diet cookies, whats in them, how many calories per day Practices that grew. Shakes, soup. Different names. The Hollywood cookie diet

Pros and Cons Pros: Binges Hunger Organized Cons: Guidelines Plan Dr. Siegal cookie dietPowermat Home and Office Wireless

Meal Plan Six cookies per day Recommend dinner Calorie intake

The cookie diet

Negative Side Effects Because the body needs a minimum of 1,200 calories to function properly, a diet of 800 calories will result in a loss of energy, fatigue and dizziness. You also risk low blood sugar, nausea and blurry vision.

The Negative Calorie Diet

Instructions 1) Cut back on regular foods in your diet Fruits: apples, pineapples, raspberries, strawberries, tomatoes, tangerines and watermelon. Vegetables: asparagus, broccoli, carrots, cabbage, celery, lettuce and spinach 2)Negative calorie foods also take more energy to digest, so you can burn more calories just by eating 3) Eat a vegan diet. Fine to eat other foods, but takes longer to lose the weight.

Quotes This quote came from the Negative Calorie Foods Site: All foods have some calories. No food is actually negative calorie food. BUT the overall effect of certain foods in our body is that of negative calories. Negative calorie foods are foods, which use more calories to digest than the calories the food actually contains! Calories from these foods are much harder for the body to breakdown and process. In other words, the body has to work harder in order to extract calories from these foods. This gives these foods a tremendous natural fat-burning advantage.

Food Facts All foods have carbohydrates, fat, protein, calories and vitamin & mineral content. The foods with negative calories contain vitamins & minerals that produce enzymes to break down not only the foods own calories, but additional calories from the person digesting too. This is called negative calorie effect.

Examples Dessert with 400 calories, 150 to digest, add 250 calories to body fat. Though, celery will require much more calories to digest, resulting in loss of calories from body fat. So…..loss of weight, naturally without starving. N.C.D. claims after eating N.C.D. food (orange) you should burn off 25 calories. So…in doing so, you lose weight, and increase you metabolism.

The Debate Critics of the N.C.D. argue that no food has NO calories, and that you cant eat your way to weight loss On the other side, advocates of the N.C.D. admit that it is true that there arent any foods with NO calories, but that by eating certain foods, you are increasing your metabolism, which can lead to weight loss.

Negative Side Effects A normal, healthy amount of weight lost over a short period of time would be roughly pounds per week. The N.C.D. says that and average 2 ponds per day is achievable. Not only is this dangerous but not very smart.

The End Pictures by: Google Information by: Diet Food Sites THANK YOU!