TEACHNJ Act Tenure Law & Value Added Teacher Evaluation Presented by: Laura Paladino
Tenure Law Teaching staff hired on or after August 6, 2012 will follow the below tenure rules (tenure covers all certified staff members) 4 consecutive calendar years or 4 consecutive academic years with ensured employment for the following year To acquire tenure, the following must be met: In the first year of teaching-teachers must complete a district mentorship In two of their next three years- teacher must be rated effective or highly effective on the annual summative evaluations
Tenure Law- in regards to promotions or transfers Certified staff promoted or transferred will obtain tenure in the position after two consecutive years In two annual summative evaluations within the first three years of employment in new position- teacher must be rated effective or highly effective Tenure is NOT transferable from one district to another
Tenure and Evaluations Tenure and evaluations are linked, just as in the past Evaluations MUST be based on multiple objectives of student growth Evaluations will be done by a school improvement panel which includes- principal, vice principal/supervisor, teacher (teacher will not be a part of the actual evaluation unless decided by the union) All evaluations will be done by in district certified administrators
AchieveNJ- Teacher Evaluation System The new teacher evaluation system is comprised of two components- 1. classroom observations 2. SGO (student growth objectives) or SGP (student growth percentiles)
Component 1 of New Evaluation System Teacher practice (counts for 70% of evaluation)- this includes a minimum of three observations for tenured and non-tenured teachers 1 announced 1 unannounced 1 at the discretion of superintendent A post conference must be done after each observation These observations will be done using one of the new models proposed- i.e. Garfield uses the Kim Marshall Model – includes ten,15 minute observations for all certified staff
Component 2 of New Evaluation System Student Growth Objectives (SGO’s)- makes up 20% of teacher evaluation Student Growth Percentiles (SGP’s) –makes up 10% of teacher evaluation for grades 4-8 ELA and grades 4-7 Mathematics (paired with state tests)
PARCC PARCC - Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers Effective in Spring 2015 Standardized state assessment for students in grades 3 through 8 and high school Computer based test that assesses student performance in Mathematics and Language Arts/Literacy
Teacher Evaluation Models McRel Stronge Danielson Marzano
Evaluation Ratings with AcheiveNJ Includes rating scale from 1-4 – highly effective (4), effective (3), partially effective (2), ineffective (1) School districts use their discretion on how to combine teacher practice with student growth when completing this evaluation
Weight of Evaluation Components Testing Teachers Classroom observations-70% Student Growth Objective (SGO) data from one to two measures-20% Student Growth Percentile (SGP) data from state standardized assessments-10% Non-testing teachers Classroom observations- 80% SGO data from two measures-20%
Professional Development At least 20 hours of PD each year PD that supports student growth and achievement PDP- Individual Professional Development Plan- each teacher must complete a PDP PD for struggling staff
Corrective Action Plan Corrective action plan is developed for staff who receive ineffective or partially effective on their summative evaluations This plan includes the responsibilities of both the teacher and the supervisor, as well as the time period for the plan and support provided by district
References http://www.njea.org/news/2012-07-12/answers-to-your-questions-about-the-new-tenure-law http://www.nj.gov/education/AchieveNJ/teacher/ http://www.state.nj.us/education/AchieveNJ/ Title 18A Chapter 26 Tenure Law Educator Evaluation Update