Nationalism in the SW Asia


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Presentation transcript:

Nationalism in the SW Asia

Break up of the Ottoman Empire and westerns political and economic interest increased nationalism After defeat of Ottomans they were only allowed to keep Turkey In 1919 their historical enemy, Greece, attacked. The Sultan was unable to stop them Turkey

Brilliant commander who successfully led Turks against Greeks & British backers. After winning the peace they overthrew the last sultan. Kemal became president of new Turkish Republic Mustafa Kemal

New Turkish Republic 1st republic in the Middle East & SW Asia His goal was to transform Turkey into modern nation His reforms included: Separation of Islamic laws and laws of the nation Abolished religious courts and created new legal system based on European law Granted women the right to vote and hold office Funded programs to industrialize New Turkish Republic

From his leadership Turkey gained new sense of national identity His people gave him the name “Ataturk” which means “father of the Turks” He died in 1938 Ataturk

Reza Shah Pahlavi Like Ataturk he strove to modernize the country Unlike Ataturk he kept all power for himself and did not establish a republic In 1935 he changed the name from the Greek name, Persia, to Iran Reza Shah Pahlavi

Before the war both Britain and Russia had spheres of influence (SOI) in Persia Russia became preoccupied with the rev Britain then tried to extend influence which triggered nationalist revolt Persian army general seized power and overthrew ruling Shah Persia Becomes Iran

Ibn Saud led a successful campaign to unify the tribes of Arabia. His country held strictly to Islamic law Loyalty to the Saudi gov is based on custom, religion and family ties Modernization was limited to religiously acceptable areas until the 1970s. Saudi Arabia

Oil Drives Development Geologists found that the Middle East has 2/3 of world’s oil supply Rising demand of oil in Europe led to extensive oil explorations and foreign investment by the West who wanted to dominate the area. Oil will bring dramatic changes to the region Oil Drives Development