The Age of Nationalism (1850-1914)
In Italy… The Big 3… The consolidation… ~ Mazzini, Cavour, and Garibaldi… The consolidation… ~1848…1852…1859…1861…
In Germany… The appointment of Bismarck and his “Blood and Iron” policy… 1867 – formation of North German Confederation… 1871 – formation of the German Empire…
In Austria – Hungary… The Compromise of 1867… ~ dual monarchy… ~ 1 Emperor… ~ common Dept. of Finance, Foreign Affairs, and War, but separate Parliaments, and PM…
In Tsarist Russia… Under Alex. II… The Emancipation Act of 1861… ~ reform and restructuring… The Emancipation Act of 1861… ~ the beginning of the end for the crown?... Under Alex. III… ~ taking back control…