Chapter 2: Social justice
What really is social justice? Social Justice is one of thous things that is hard to really define. Even when people agree with a definition, people still may have different opinions how to work for justice in their environments.
What really is social justice? Social Justice has working definition of the following: Shaping of societies institutions in areas such as: Trade and Economy Law and the Courts Taxation Health Care Education Race Gender relations FOR ALL MEMBERS OF SOCIETY
Individuals and Social Justice Sacred Writings and Social Justice There are individuals who are/were social activists that were also involved with certain religions. The people they helped though were of many religions.
Dorothy Day A Convert to Roman Catholicism Worked towards peace and justice at the beginning of the 1930’s. Included providing food and shelter to the homeless. Not common at this time.
Thich Nhat Hanh A Vietnamese Buddhist During the 1960’s formed a movement known as ‘Engaged Buddhism’. He struggled for peace within his country. A constant promoter of non-violence and peace.
Martin Luther King Jr. Fought for the equality of the Black community in the United States. Believed in a peaceful co-existence between both races. Was assassinated for his efforts.
The Role Of Faith Communities in Society Prophets speak out when citizens failed to seek justice. In our time Government of most nations have separated leadership and religion.
The Role Of Faith Communities in Society In Canada we look to Governments to ensure peace and order and see spiritual leaders over see spiritual needs. But both does still exist today.