8th Grade Parent Registration Information
Counselors Tanielle Sylvester A-C David Myers D-G Wendy Dorman H-K Matt Meyers L-N Jackie Geppert-Anderson O-Sq Becky Thomas Sr-Z
Counselor Role Graduation Coach Keep track of credits Post-Secondary planning Recommendation letters Personal issues
General Information at LHS Daily Schedule – 8:20am to 3:15pm Study/Lunch AD Room ID Badges Transportation Library Hours
Terminology Credit Pre-Requisite Elective Selective GPA Class rank
Personal Learning Plan (PLP) Requirements for graduation Develop a plan for all 4 years of high school Will be able to access your PLP on SDmylife Prepare for post-secondary education Changes can be made
LHScounseling.com Counselor Contact Information Club List Academic Resources Career Resources Personal/Social Resources Counseling Forms (schedule change forms, registration forms, etc.)
What’s Next The Journey Involvement Communication Responsibility March 22nd - 8th grade visits to LHS
Connections Summer School Class! May 29 – June 20 Monday-Thursday from 7:30am-12:30pm Before April 24th -$150 regular rate -$110 reduced lunch rate -$80 free lunch rate Meghan.anderson-finch@k12.sd.us Shawn.bogart@k12.sd.us Scholarships available 35 slots available 1. advance copies of your class schedule 2. tours of the school 3. meet teachers from all departments 4. Learn cheers and ROTC drills 5. Meet staff 6. access to the library 7. Summer Reading 8. Practice math and writing skills 9. Earn .5 credits toward graduation
Department Video https://youtu.be/_LomUjmx_gs
Freshman Academy Goals The objective of the Freshman Academy is to enhance and build on our proud history of success in all areas including academics, fine arts, athletics, and relational development. Increased Graduation Rate Increased Cumulative GPA Decreased Absenteeism and Disciplinary Referrals Increased Enrollment in Accelerated and AP Courses Increased College and Career Readiness
How does the Academy Improve Student Outcomes? Provides a core group of teachers who can collaborate within the school day and provide structure for freshmen as they adjust to new surroundings. Provides an infrastructure of support for students by strengthening parent to teacher, teacher to teacher, and student to teacher relationships. Emphasizes personal character development and accountability by utilizing common language and actions among staff who have the same students in their classes.
Freshman Year Recommendation Teacher: Mr. Trent Uthe 1st Semester (SSGI-3010) SPANISH IMMERSION WORLD GEOGRAPHY Length/Credit: One Semester, 0.5 credit Social Studies Requirement for Graduation 2nd Semester (SSSI-3080) SPANISH IMMERSION GLOBAL ISSUES Length/Credit: One Semester, 0.5 credit Meets Social Studies Selective Requirement
10-12 Grade Recommended Classes Sophomore Year: SPANISH IMMERSION LANGUAGE, LITERATURE & CULTURE Junior Year: SPANISH IMMERSION AP SPANISH LANGUAGE AND CULTURE *Take AP Exam in Spring with possibility to earn college credit Senior Year: SPANISH IMMERSION PEOPLE AND CULTURES CAPSTONE *dual credit option with USD
SDHSAA Eligibility Requirements Passed two credits of courses the preceding semester (NA to incoming 9th graders) Enrolled in a minimum of 4 classes during the current semester for which 2.0 credits will be earned During a high school sport season, do not compete on a non-school team
Sioux Falls School District Year-round Activity Rules School activity participants are expected to demonstrate behavior that reflects positively on the individual, school and community. The rules governing participation in school activity events are in force year-round. No drugs, alcohol or criminal behavior – Includes in school behavior Attendance – must attend three (3) successive classes prior to a competition or performance on a school day.
Required Forms Physical-every year Interim Form (please do on-line) Taken AFTER April 1 Interim Form (please do on-line) Medical History Concussion Consent for Medical Treatment HIPAA Insurance The school does NOT provide medical insurance for athletes. Insurance can be purchased. Forms are here tonight or in the office at any time. Dental Insurance can be purchased online at www.DeltaDentalSD.com
Web-Sites & Schedules www.metroconferencesd.org @SFLincolnAD Link is on my web site. Go to the SFL home page Activities and Athletics (about halfway down) Top of the left column www.metroconferencesd.org @SFLincolnAD
Advanced Placement Program 8th Grade parents night
AP Classes Introductory College courses in High School Standardized tests taken in May Success on the test usually results in college credit
Benefits Challenging Classes College Readiness Save Money College Applications
Lincoln AP Outstanding Teachers Variety of Classes High Expectations 20 classes offered Sciences, Math, English, Social Studies, World Languages, Arts, Computer Science High Expectations High Achievement