Security By Elaine Pang , Games Security Department.


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Presentation transcript:

Security By Elaine Pang , Games Security Department

Mission To ensure safety of all Asian Games participants To ensure security of the Asian Games

Programmes Included Games Security Accreditation Traffic Management

Games Security Mission To ensure security & safety of Asian Games venues, official hotels, Asian Games Town, special events and Asian Games guests and audience To cooperate with the public security authority in enhancing crackdown, control and management on crimes

Games Security Scope of Services To set standards for security facilities in venues (including official hotels and Asian Games Town) To follow up and update the information regarding construction of security facilities & temporarily constructed buildings To collect all related public security information To develop emergency response plan

Games Security Work Breakdown Structure Games Security Operational Plan of Venue Security Residential Areas Security Deployment of Security Staff Operational Plan of Residential Areas Security Standards for Security Facilities Deployment of Anti-explosion Facilities Venue Security Fire Fighting Inspection on Residential Areas Operational Plan of Fire Fighting Concept of Operations Operational Plan of Games Security Fire Fighting Venue Operational Plan Regular Report Post-Games Report Inspection on Security Facilities Opening/Closing Ceremony Security Operational Plan of Opening/Closing Ceremony Security Inspection on Venues Fire-fighting Inspection on Opening/Closing Ceremony Venues Planning & Management Emergency Response Plan Games Security Operational Plan of Special Events Security Deployment of Anti-explosion Facilities Temporarily Constructed Buildings Supervised Special Events Deployment of Security Staff

Programme Deliverables & Key Dates Games Security Programme Deliverables & Key Dates Key Dates Deliverables Nov. 30, 2007 Concept of Operations for Games Security finished Dec. 31, 2008 Operational Plan of Games Security finished Dec. 31, 2009 Inspection Report on security facilities of special events and venues (including Asian Games Town, official hotels, Opening/Closing Ceremony Venue) finished Inspection Report on fire fighting facilities of special events and venues (including Asian Games Town, official hotels, Opening/Closing Ceremony Venue) finished Master Plan of Games Security Services developed June 30, 2010 Operational Plans of special events and venues (including Asian Games Town, official hotels, Opening/Closing Ceremony Venue) security developed Operational Plans of special events and venues (including Asian Games Town, official hotels, Opening/Closing Ceremony Venue) information and telecommunications security developed

Games Security Programme Deliverables & Key Dates Key Dates June 30, 2010 Deployment Plan of anti-explosion facilities in special events and venues (including Asian Games Town, official hotels, Opening/Closing Ceremony Venue) developed Deployment Plan of security staff in special events and venues (including Asian Games Town, official hotels, Opening/Closing Ceremony Venue) developed Emergency Response Plan developed Sept. 30, 2010 Deployment of security staff in special events and venues (including Asian Games Town, official hotels, Opening/Closing Ceremony Venue) completed Deployment of anti-explosion facilities in special events and venues (including Asian Games Town, official hotels, Opening/Closing Ceremony Venue) completed Safety notice for Games audience / Games guests / Opening Ceremony / Closing Ceremony compiled Nov., 2010 Games-time Operation initiated May 30, 2011 Post-games Report on Games Security developed

Accreditation Mission To develop Asian Games accreditation policies; To produce and issue accreditation cards to all Asian Games participants.

Accreditation Scope of Services 1.To establish Accreditation Center/Sub-centers To establish Accreditation System To train Accreditation Staff 2. To produce and issue Accreditation Cards To handle and check on information of card holders To produce and issue Accreditation Cards 3. To manage Accreditation System To develop Accreditation Guideline To develop Accreditation management policies 4. To cooperate in Access Control System Construction of IBC, MPC and Asian Games Town To make IC cards applicable to access control system

Accreditation Work Breakdown Structure Accreditation Plan & Policies Concept of Operations Operational Plan Accreditation Guideline &Management Policies Submission of Progress Report Post-Games Report Design of Accreditation Cards Category & Format of Accreditation Cards Pattern of Accreditation Cards Sample of Accreditation Card Accreditation Information Management Information Collection of Card Holders Information Check on Card Holders Operation of Accreditation Center/Sub-centers Construction Standards for Accreditation Center/Sub-centers Procurement of Accreditation Equipments and Raw Materials Establishment of Accreditation Center/Sub-centers Commissioning of Accreditation Center/Sub-centers Training of Staff & Volunteers Games-time Operation Accreditation

Programme Deliverables & Key Dates Accreditation Programme Deliverables & Key Dates Key Dates Deliverables Nov. 30, 2007 Concept of Operations for Accreditation completed Aug. 31, 2008 Plan of Accreditation cards design developed Dec. 31, 2008 Operational Plan of accreditation finished Construction Standards of Accreditation Center/Sub-centers set Jun. 30, 2009 Location of Accreditation Center /Sub-centers taken over Sept. 30, 2009 Accreditation Guideline developed Dec. 30, 2009 Accreditation facilities and raw materials procured Mar. 31, 2010 Construction of Accreditation Center/Sub-centers finished Accreditation Staff installed Oct. 30, 2010 Games-time Accreditation Plan developed Commissioning of Accreditation Center / Sub-centers initiated Nov., 2010 Games-time Operation initiated Apr. 30, 2011 Post-games Report on Accreditation developed

Traffic Management Mission To provide the Games with a safe & smooth traffic environment by utilizing Guangzhou Intellectual Traffic Management and Control System

Traffic Management Scope of Services To follow up and supervise the construction of parking lots and transportation support facilities around venues To ensure a smooth & safe traffic around venues during the Games To open Green Passages for the round-trip route between Games residential areas & venues To enhance the road patrol to avoid traffic jams To enhance education and publicity about traffic safety To develop emergency response plan

Traffic Management Work Breakdown Structure Traffic Management Games-time Traffic Management Policies Traffic Management Planning & Management Traffic Management at Opening Ceremony Traffic Management at Closing Ceremony Development of Traffic Management Policies Supervision on Venue Traffic Facilities Construction Concept of Operations Research Report on Traffic Organization Plan Games-time Traffic Management Games-time Traffic Security Escort of police wagons Traffic Services Consultation Traffic Security for special events Education on Traffic Safety Evaluation on Traffic Security operation Traffic Improvement Publicity of Traffic Organization

Programme Deliverables & Key Dates Traffic Management Programme Deliverables & Key Dates Key Dates Deliverables Nov., 2007 Concept of Operations finished Jan., 2008 Collection and Analysis of Traffic Organization Methods of Previous Asian Games & Olympic Games initiated Mar., 2009 Research Report on Traffic Organization compiled Sept., 2009 Research Report on Traffic Management (first draft) finished Oct., 2009 Suggestions on Improving Traffic Facilities Construction provided Mar., 2010 Research Report on Traffic Management (final draft) finished May, 2010 Operational Plan of Games Residential Areas Traffic Security developed Operational Plan of Traffic Security for the Route between Venues and Games Residential Areas developed Operational plan of Venue Traffic Organization developed

Programme Deliverables & Key Dates Traffic Management Programme Deliverables & Key Dates Key Dates Deliverables Sept., 2010 Publicity of Traffic Organization Measures launched Oct., 2010 Measures of Traffic Improvement executed Sub-plans of Traffic Security completed Opening Ceremony Day Traffic Security of Opening Ceremony completed Nov., 2010 Games-time Operation initiated Closing Ceremony Day Traffic Security for Closing Ceremony completed Jan., 2011 Evaluation Report on Games-time Traffic Management completed

Thank you OCA Expert Committee Meeting Mar 23, 2007 Guangzhou Asian Games Organizing Committee(GAGOC)