Senior Center Best Practices Presented by Aging and Long Term Services Dept. Rebecca Martinez, Bureau Chief Barbara J. Romero, Capital Outlay Coordinator Andria Montoya, Financial Coordinator
Capital Outlay Appropriations – Sources of Funding Capital Outlay Defined – Money spent to purchase a capital assets, also known as fixed assets. This may include equipment, vehicles, or facilities (to extend its useful life). General Fund – (GF) The primary or catchall fund of a government. A state may use the funds to engage in a variety of activities, such as capital outlay for example. General Obligation Bonds (GOB) – General obligation bonds are used by states and local governments to raise money for community projects, such as schools, roads and parks. Voted on by the electorate. The principal and interest on the bonds are repaid from a dedicated statewide property tax. This requires a bond issue to be included on the general election ballot. Severance Tax Bond (STB) – A tax imposed by a state on the extraction of natural resources, such as oil, coal, or gas and paid for from royalties paid by companies that severe that natural resource from the earth. GOB - Investors pay money to the government issuing the bonds, who in turn agrees to make interest payments and repay the principal amount. Governments that issue GO bonds pledge to use their resources, including their taxing power to pay principal and interest on the bonds. Investors who receive interest payments from GO bonds aren't required to pay federal income tax on that interest Aging & Long-Term Services Department - Capital Projects Bureau
Alternative Funding Sources Local funds – Municipal bonds Federal funds – used as a match or leverage (Provide copy of Award Letter) Other state funding sources; Tribal Infrastructure Funds (Public Facilities on Tribal Lands) - Community Development Block Grant - New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT 5310) - New Mexico Finance Authority (Planning Grants)
Senior Center Capital Outlay Emergency and Critical Needs ONLY. Projects with a demonstrated critical need are the priority. Projects that address an urgent need or situation that immediately endangers the occupants of the premises or creates a serious threat to the health and safety of the seniors; The situation may disrupt a senior center from operating or failure is imminent if not corrected immediately; The threat must be supported by a subject matter expert evaluation; The situation was not a direct cause of poor maintenance or neglect and steps were taken to prevent, alleviate and correct the situation; and The resources required to correct the situation were unavailable through other funding sources Aging & Long-Term Services Department - Capital Projects Bureau
Project Categories A-1 Code Compliance A-2 Renovation A-3 Meals or Other Equipment A-4 Vehicle A-5 New Construction or Major Addition A-6 Plan and Design
Project Categories A-1 Code Compliance Protecting property values and the environment Complying with regulations such as land use and zoning ordinances Health and housing codes Uniform building standards and fire codes Complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) (Code compliance renovation and improvements must be detailed and fully identify the specific issue(s) being addressed. Describe how the issue was identified and how the renovation will address the issue. The request must include documentation in support of the request, such as letters from State Fire Marshall’s Office, Environment Department, Department of Health, Office of Environmental Health, or other relevant oversight entities. )
Project Categories cont… A-2 Renovation Restoring a building to an earlier condition by repairing or remodeling Making improvements to something already in existence (Renovation of privately-owned facilities is prohibited by the New Mexico Constitution. Privately-owned is defined as facilities owned by private individuals, corporations or other organizations, including non-profit organizations and religious entities.)
Project Categories cont… A-3 Meals / other equipment Machinery or apparatus, components and any other articles for use in preparing, cooking and serving a meal Machinery or apparatus, components and any other article to make an action, operation, or activity easier to serve a particular purpose (Equipment must have a useful life of at least 7-10 years and be valued at $10,000 or more. Do not include consumable supplies or other non-capital items, such as pots, pans, utensils, or trays)
Project Categories cont… A-4 Vehicle A vehicle for transporting people and or goods 50% of the vehicles in a fleet must be accessible for person with disabilities Must meet useful life (Vehicles must have over 100,000 miles and be more than 7-10 years old or provide documented proof that the vehicle is in disrepair or no longer meets the needs of the center.)
Project Categories cont… A-5 New Construction / Major Addition Building a new structure Increasing the square footage by more than 35% of its footprint Demolishing or reconstructing more that 35% of the exterior walls or structural members of a building* *if you intend on including demolition as part of the cost it must be noted in order to include the language in the appropriation
Project Categories cont… A-6 Plan / Design A plan, blueprint or drawing made to scale to show the look and function or working of a building or other object before its made
Planning Strategies Planning and preparation are crucial to positioning governmental entities to secure State of New Mexico appropriations. The most important activities must be completed well before the Legislative session begins. Recommendation: Form a standing committee to help organize and coordinate legislative priorities to include tribal leadership, tribal council members, department directors, etc. Designate a coordinator to schedule ongoing meetings, take notes and document action items. The status of previously and currently funded appropriations will impact funding requests. Develop on-going relationships with your Legislators Educate them and their staff by visiting them personally or by inviting them to special events or meetings prior to the session. Inform them of priority community needs as documented in the ICIP.
Things to consider What is the need? Is it critical? Can you justify? Is the facility code compliant? Does the equipment meet safety standards? Is the facility or equipment in disrepair, non-operable, or require extensive repair? Is the facility or equipment not functional for the needs of the seniors? Is it an urgent issue?(risk to senior) Has the project been supported by a Subject Matter Expert? Is there a plan for operating and maintenance? Do you conduct routine maintenance? Do you have support from the community and the governing body? Are you able to provide a detailed project description? Will the item have a useful life of 7 to 10 years Have you sought out other funding sources?
Getting Prepared Gather and complete the asset inventory listings Meet with council or committee members to discuss needs Download the application from our website outlay.aspx Contact subject matter experts to evaluate project Gather quotes / cost estimates for the project Set up project team meetings – divide up tasks Schedule a visit with AAA or COG to screen application Determine if this project is critical or if it can wait until the next application cycle.
What do I need to begin the process? Ensure that the land or property for the facility is owned by the local government to be eligible to proceed with the application for funding Provide a copy of Use and or Operating agreement must be valid if working with a non-profit or for profit provider for services. Ensure asset inventory listings are completed and submitted with the application Senior Facility ICIP 2020-2024 must be current and submitted with application Seek support from the Local Government administering the project
Who should be involved? Project Development Team Senior Ctr. Director Task 1 Task 2 Fact Gathers Action Group Project Development Team Present needs and assess priorities Determine if they can be phased Look for other funding sources Fact Gathers Solicit professional guidance Determine cost estimates Develop timelines Action Group Assist in preparing the application Seek community input
Project Development Team Needs How did we determine the urgency? Can we pay for the operations? Is it major construction and can it be phased? Are they critical in nature? What is the effect on the clients served? Asset management listings Code compliance issue Professional opinion Do we have any O & M funds available? Is there a need to phase the project. Can we meet the obligation requirements?
Fact Gathers Solicit professional opinions Determine preliminary cost estimates Develop Timeline What type of professional do we need? Roofing, flooring, structural, plumbing Obtain a cost proposal or estimate from one or more professionals Better to get a couple to compare Develop a realistic timeline Determine if project needs to be phased If phased a working phase must be complete
Action Team Who should be responsible for completing the application? How much time should we dedicate to the process? What to expect after submission Mayor, finance director, senior center director, etc.,,, Plan on this taking around 2 months to complete the process Schedule professionals at the start Hold meetings twice a month and progress closer to submission time Do we call the agency or do you notify us
Applicant Information & Certification Contact information – should be the person with knowledge of the project and facility Executive order compliance Current annual audit Approved annual budget from DFA/Local Government Division (LGD) Submission of quarterly financial reports Senior Facility Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan (ICIP) 2020-2024 Certification from Chief Elected Official (or designee)
Facility Information Forms Used by ALTSD to gather important information about each facility Ownership Condition of the facility Operation and maintenance; staffing requirements Types of services and number of participants for each service provided Capital assets Funding sources Documented repairs Uses, size and location All other pertinent information that would provide insight as to the current and future capital outlay needs of the facility. ** complete 1 facility information form per site
Facility Information Part I – Facility Data (Ownership, age, condition, types of past repairs) Part II – Uses (size, location, nearest similar facility) Part III – Cost Benefit (types of services and number of users) Part IV – Operating and Maintenance (operating staff, utility costs, funding sources)
Required Forms Completed application form(s) properly certified Asset Management Forms Facility and Fixture Meals/other equipment Vehicle Project Evaluation Form (Subject Matter Expert) Quotes or Cost Estimates Schematic Design – construction or renovation project Operating and Use agreements Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan (ICIP)
Northwest NM Council of Governments
Ensuring a good application Answer all questions, leave no blanks, (if not applicable indicate by n/a and provide some justification at a minimum). Review the guidance and ensure that the responses provided sufficiently address the question to get the highest point values. Detail all pertinent information relating to the critical need, or urgency of the project Include any details to document past efforts on the applicants part made towards the project Provide a detailed project description, background that documents the milestones and anticipated commencement and end date as justification to assist us in determining the critical need of the project. Provide supporting documentation (evaluation form, quotes, bids, plans and specs, cost estimates, letters of support, ownership, match or leverage documents etc,…..
Ineligible Applications Application was not signed by a Chief Elected Official Applicant did not provide mandatory forms Applicant did not provide mandatory quotes, cost estimates Applicant did not provide sufficient justification of critical need Project was not eligible for funding Applicant did not comply with NM Constitution “Anti-Donation” clause Project was funded in a prior year (duplicate)
Timelines for project funding Application, Guidance and required forms are available on website in January Training and Technical Assistance conducted February - March Applications are due in April Review team rates projects April through June Capital Projects Bureau meets with Cabinet Secretary in June and submits ICIP by July 1 Capital Outlay Hearings are conducted in October and November by DFA and LFC Projects are considered and DFA submits the list of projects to grant writers in December in anticipation of the Legislative Session If successful the bill is passed. STB will fund by June same year GOB will go to voters on November ballot – if successful the funds will be available in June following year
Still need more information Presentations and forms are located on our website (click on For Our Partners at the top of the page and then select Capital Outlay tab) Available by phone, email or in person for technical assistance Rebecca Martinez 505-476-4768 Barbara J. Romero 505-476-4704 Andria Montoya 505-476-4879