I, the student, will: Understand the expectations and behaviors required while in this classroom.
Algebra Mr. Eaton
Algebra Mr. Eaton Room 9G212 (219) 650-5307 ext. 7562 jeaton@mvsc.k12.in.us http://merrillville.schoolwires.net/Page/1762
Punctuality Early is on-time
Punctuality Early is on-time On-time is late
Punctuality Early is on-time On-time is late Late is unacceptable
Punctuality Early is on-time On-time is late Late is unacceptable Each tardy will count against your notebook grade
Attitude Disrespect is not tolerated
Attitude Disrespect is not tolerated Understand your r0le in the process
Attitude Disrespect is not tolerated Understand your r0le in the process Always work towards your ultimate goal
Preparation Be an active participant
Preparation Be an active participant Bring only required materials
Preparation Be an active participant Bring only required materials Leave other classes behind
Preparation Be an active participant Bring only required materials Leave other classes behind
Preparation Be an active participant Bring only required materials Leave other classes behind Minimize distractions
Drills Fire
Drills Fire Tornado
Drills Fire Tornado Lockdown
Algebra Geometry Algebra II Core40 Graduation Algebra IA Algebra IB Geometry B Geometry Algebra IIA Algebra IIB Algebra II
Algebra Mr. Eaton Room 9G212 (219) 650-5307 ext. 7562 jeaton@mvsc.k12.in.us http://merrillville.schoolwires.net/Page/1762