Youth Demographics Youth Population (15 to 24) as a Percentage of Total Population (2009) Demographic transitions occur all over the world Many African and South Asian countries are currently experiencing youth bulge Afghanistan, Iraq, and Yemen will have a large youth population over the next 20 years Small youth populations also present challenges Sources: UN Population Estimates, United Nations, 2009 and Out-of-School Youth in Developing Countries: What the data do (and do not) tell us, EQUIP3, 2010. World Map was created by EDSTAT of the World Bank as part of an USAID-EQUIP3 partnership with the EDSTAT/World Bank.
Median age of the population by major region (years) Average age is under 30 by 2070. Today, all regions are experience ageing populations – meaning that the median age rises because fertility rates are increasing at a slower rate and people are living longer. Despite this trend, in regions like Africa and the Middle East, we will continue to see a high proportion of young people for years to come: By 2050 in Africa, the median age of the population will be 26.5 years, considerably lower than the combined averages of other regions. The Middle East and North Africa peaked in 2005 but the number of youth remain considerably higher than adults -- around 30 percent of the total population is around 15-29, and 60 percent under 30. This implies the large number of youth transition to adults, we need to plan ahead for the large number of children who will be come youth in the next 5 -15 years. Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2011): World Population Prospects: The 2008 and 2010 Revisions.
Middle East: 15-29 year olds as percent of total population Egypt 2000-2010 2005 Syria Yemen 2005 2000-2010