AFES AGM Meeting October 2013 Complimentary wine and buffet Aberdeen Art Gallery, Schoolhill Wed 9th October 2013, 6.00 for 6.30 pm start Rocks, fluids and numbers – some pitfalls discovered during a (continuing) career John Owens Maersk Oil Complimentary wine and buffet Abstract: Translating raw data into quantitative petrophysical parameters involves the use of “numbers”. However, are these numbers representative of the subsurface? Some “big picture” concepts are reviewed which are well known yet their consequences are often overlooked. Biography: John Owens John Owens is Maersk Oil UK’s Petrophysics Discipline Lead. Prior to this he worked for Shell for twelve years. During the last six years of this time he was a member of their European Petrophysics Leadership Team and was Shell’s global Subject Matter Expert for HPHT formation evaluation as well as coring/core handling and core analysis. John has worked for DTI (now DECC) and has experience in mud logging, wellsite geology and operations geology. He has an M.Sc from Imperial College, is a Chartered Geologist and a Past-President of AFES. Aberdeen Formation Evaluation Society is a registered Scottish Charity. Charity number SC039526.