Welcome! March 31st, 2017 Friday Do Now Get your folder from the front crate and find your seat Begin working on your Daily Edit paragraph. Once the bell rings, you will have five minutes to find all 10 mistakes in today’s paragraph. Remember: Do Now's are INDEPENDENT and QUIET exercises. Thank you
Friday March 31, 2017 Imagine getting more then 55 inches of snow during one snowstorm. That’s what happened during the Blizzard of 1988. On March 11, 1888, a massive blissard hit the East coast of the United States. One of the hardest-hit areas was New York City. As winds of up to 85 MPH blew through the city, thousands of people were stranded on aboveground trains. Many persons who tried to walk to work collapsed in snowdrifts. Water and gas lines and telegraph wires frozen, making it hard to repair them. Over 200 people in New York City were killed during the blizzard. Others was stranded for days. After the storm, offichuls in New York City decided to prepare in case another blizzard hit. They built under ground trains and buryed water and gas lines so they would be safe.
ACT Practice: English Trade your homework with a partner Grab a marker, colored pencil, highlighter, ect. from your tower (something colored) Write your name at the bottom of your partner’s paper. Today, we’re going to go over #’s 1- 15
The Book Thief Turn to page 42 (the start of the prologue). We’re going to read to page 54. As we read: Remember, we’re going to have a quiz over the elements of part one on Monday. Make sure you’re paying attention and annotating as we go! It will help you remember what’s happening.
Character Diaries! Just like we did for Hamlet, after we read some parts of The Book Thief we’ll write three short diary entries (at least 150 words each) about the events in the book from the perspective of one of the character. Here’s the catch: since Leisel still can’t read or write very well, you’re going to have to write your entries from another character’s perspective. Make sure you not only capture the events of the book, but also your character’s personality. I would prefer these to be typed, but if you must write, make sure your entries are at least 150 words each.