Ch.1: Matter and Change 1.1 Chemistry.


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Presentation transcript:

Ch.1: Matter and Change 1.1 Chemistry

Sciences used to be divided into strict categories physical (nonliving) biological (living) Chemistry has parts that fall under both categories many sciences are so interrelated that you can’t categorize them in those ways anymore.

Chemistry study of matter and the changes it undergoes chemists use instruments to improve their ability to observe and make measurements

Chemistry chemists work with chemicals (any substance with definite composition) all matter has chemical basis whether it is living or nonliving

Branches of Chemistry organic- study of compounds containing carbon inorganic- study of compounds that aren’t organic physical- study of changes of matter and their energy

Branches of Chemistry analytical- study of composition of materials biochemistry- study of substances and processes in living things theoretical- use of math and computers to understand chemical behaviors and design new compounds

Types of Research Basic Research- done to increase knowledge Applied Research- done to solve a problem Technological Development- done to improve quality of life technology – application of knowledge (usually scientific) for practical purposes