Perception and Cognition Gestalt and Prior Knowledge
What do you see? and Why do you see what you see?
What do you see? and Why do you see what you see?
How many legs does elephant have? Why?
Are the horizontal lines parallel or do they slope? How can you tell?
Count the black dots. What happens? How can you solve this problem?
Are the purple lines straight or bent? Why?
Stare at the black dot in the center. What happens to the gray haze Stare at the black dot in the center. What happens to the gray haze? Why?
Focus on the dot; move your head back ‘n forth. What do you see? Why?
What do you see? Why? How can you test your perception?
Man or Woman?
Seeing details or seeing beyond?
What do you see? Head? Word? Other?
Looking right or looking left?
What do you see? How do you know it?
What do you see first? What’s “figure” and what’s “ground”?
Brain Laterality: Which hemisphere wins the competition?
Perspective & Perception
One of my favorite places: Once a reality Now an illusion