Public Relations Success Metrics & Q4 Plan for Partnerships for Children October 2018 - February 2019
GOALS + OBJECTIVES Challenges: Lack of a communications plan to make the most of the organization’s new branding and messaging Need for additional new, more generous funders Partnerships for Children’s limited budget and internal resources for expanding PR and communications Objectives: Elevate brand awareness, unique positioning and thought leadership of Partnerships for Children as the organization behind its distinctive programs and services Broaden and strengthen its ability to serve a larger geographical area Find more loving homes for children in foster care in Central Texas Bloom’s Goal: Build a strong brand awareness that underscores the mission of Partnerships for Children as the most trusted organization for serving the needs of foster care children in Central Texas and the families entrusted with their upbringing.
APPROACH Phase 1: Discovery & Immersion Phase 2: Positioning & Messaging Refinement/Development Phase 3: PR Campaign Planning Phase 4: PR Campaign Execution
PHASES 1 & 2: KEY TASKS & DELIVERABLES Discovery: Reviewed competitive organizations’ publicly available communications such as press mentions, social media, blog content, and resources Facilitated group discussions with Partnerships for Children’s stakeholders to better understand priorities for the organization, growth goals and objectives, and related communications goals and challenges Reviewed current Partnerships for Children’s messaging Audited existing Partnerships for Children media assets, media relationships and related assessment of strengths/weaknesses Messaging & PR Asset Creation: Developed key messaging for press release announcements / media interviews Developed a boilerplate asset for press release announcements / proactive pitch development
PHASE 3: KEY TASKS & DELIVERABLES PR Campaign Planning: Conducted media audit identifying existing story opportunities and trends Developed 2018/19 PR plan Curated expanded media list Story mining: developed story themes and ideas leveraging inputs from Partnerships for Children’s staff to articulate the value and impact of the services the organization provides. Social Media Campaign Planning: Developed overall social media strategy Developed 15th anniversary social media plan Provided weekly recommendations to amplify Partnerships for Children’s social footprint Partnered with Partnerships for Children to create a content “bank” Mapped out a social media editorial calendar to be implemented by Partnerships for Children’s internal team
PHASE 4: KEY TASKS & DELIVERABLES Campaign Execution: Cultivated proactive, ongoing media relations with media list expanded beyond existing CBS Austin and other existing relationships Organized PR and social media promotion of key events Emphasized a unique, strong relationship with Child Protective Services Publicized well-established programs readily used by clients & supported by donors Conducted social media training for Foster Community and Heart Gallery staff
EARNED MEDIA COVERAGE HIGHLIGHTS Local photographers volunteer to take portraits of children awaiting adoption 'YES' Mentoring Program aims to drive down Texas human trafficking stats Help needed to make holiday wishes come true for Texas foster kids Partnerships for Children’s Rainbow Room is in need of new cold weather supplies
VALUE OF ALL EARNED MEDIA COVERAGE TO DATE Share of Voice: Katie Young, Director of Donor Development; Megan Ransom, Director of Foster & Adopt Services; Erin Argue, Mentoring Services Program Director; Marcus Cantu, Director of Resource Services; volunteers, and kids in care. Number of New Media Relationships Forged (Beyond Existing PFC CBS Relationship): 5 (KVUE, KUT, Spectrum, Community Impact Newspaper, Texas Hill Country News) Number of Placements*: 90+ (including syndication) Estimated Reach*: 300,000+ Estimated Media Value*: $26,727+ *According to Critical Mention & Meltwater media monitoring services
SOCIAL MEDIA PERFORMANCE Objectives: Increase brand awareness of Partnerships for Children among the general public and members of the foster care community (caseworkers, judges, donors, affiliated providers, etc). Increase followers in the service areas Partnerships for Children is targeting for growth (rural Central Texas). Drive interest among potential volunteers, donors, families and other service providers to the Partnerships for Children’s website October 2018 February 2019 Followers 224 241 Impressions 6,836 12,000 Engagement Rate 0.90% 1.60% October 2018 February 2019 Followers 5,801 5,944 Reach 333 999 Engagements 20 113 October 2018 February 2019 Followers 656 772 Reach 492 837 Engagements 72 78
DIRECT ORGANIZATIONAL IMPACT Impact Metrics as of February 2019: 76% of kids in care were sponsored during the 2018 Holiday Wishes drive. The YES Mentorship Program received 10 new inquiries from people seeking more information about how to become a mentor to kids aging out of foster care. The Rainbow Room received 25 winter clothes & blanket donation drop offs. PFC’s 15th anniversary fundraiser exceeded its $15,000 goal by more than 50%.
Q4 FY2018 Key Opportunities & Budget
Q4 FY2018 BUDGET ALLOCATION Q4 Total to Continue Momentum Through FY2018: $15,000 Bloom Nonprofit Pro Bono Investment: ($4,500) Partnerships for Children Initial 7-Month Push Total: $10,500
THANK YOU! 512.535.5066