“Encouragement for Those Who Hear” Luke 8:1-21


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Presentation transcript:

“Encouragement for Those Who Hear” Luke 8:1-21 Part #27 “Encouragement for Those Who Hear” Luke 8:1-21

I. A New Family vs.1-15 A. Influential Women vs.1-3 Part #27 I. A New Family vs.1-15 A. Influential Women vs.1-3 B. Those Rejecting the Word vs.4-12 C. Those Accepting the Word vs.13-15

II. Encouragement for Believers vs.13-15 Part #27 II. Encouragement for Believers vs.13-15 A. Rocky Soil vs.13 B. Thorny Soil vs.14 C. Good Soil vs.15

III. Our Identity vs.16-21 A. We Are the Light vs.16 Part #27 III. Our Identity vs.16-21 A. We Are the Light vs.16 B. Are You Listening? Vs.17&18 C. The Family of God vs.18-21