Crisis & Absolutism in Europe Ch. 7 Review Crisis & Absolutism in Europe
Absolutism Political system where a ruler has total control Like a dictatorship or absolute monarchy
Constitutionalism Following a system of government via constitution
Contrasting Philosophers Thomas Hobbes Supported absolutism Wrote Leviathan Believed people were horrible before society was organized John Locke anti-absolutism Believed people had natural rights Life Liberty property Wrote lots of things Believed people lived in a state of equality, not war, before organized society
Divine Right of Kings The belief that kings receive their power from God and answer only to God Introduced by James I of England
Louis XIV Absolute king over France, but not local government & day-to-day activities Wasted France’s money on his palace & fancy stuff Left France with lots of debt & enemies
Peter the Great Became czar of Russia in 1689 Absolute monarchist with divine right Built strong army & central government
Ivan the Terrible First Russian czar Expanded Russia Crushed the Boyars, or Russian nobility How was he “terrible?” Beat his DIL for dressing immodestly Hit his son in the head with a staff & killed him Violent outbursts (obviously)
Frederick the Great Prussian leader Built large army
Elizabeth Tudor Repealed laws favoring Catholics; mostly Protestant She was in control of the government & church Tried to keep England out of war Sir Francis Drake’s gf; let him plunder Spanish ships in Caribbean Loved her people
Petition of Rights English document that listed rights people have upon which the king cannot violate
English Bill of Rights Government document listing certain civil rights Based on 12 Tables from Rome US based our Bill of Rights on this
30 Years War Between Catholics & Protestants over religion
Glorious Revolution When James II of England was replaced by his daughter & son in law, Mary and William of Orange
Restoration When English, Scottish, and Irish monarchies were restored under the Stuart King Charles II