The Stone Age circa 6000BC to 2000BC The Bronze Age circa 2000BC to 800BC The Iron Age 800BC – AD43 Roman Britain 43 - 410 Anglo-Saxon and Viking Britain 410 - 1066 Norman Britain 1066 - 1154 The Middle Ages 1154-1485 Tudor Britain 1485-1603 Stuart Britain 1603-1714 Georgian Britain 1714-1837 Victorian Britain 1837-1901 Edwardian Britain 1901-1910 The First World War 1914-1918 The Second World War 1939-1945
Stonehenge was built circa 2150BC-2000BC Queen Boudicca died circa AD60 The Battle of Maldon 991 William Caxton published the first printed book in England 1477 Christopher Columbus set sail for America 1492 Queen Elizabeth I was born 1533 Peter Bruegel the Elder was born 1569 Guy Fawkes attempted to blow up the Houses of Parliament 1605 The siege of Colchester 1648 The Great Fire of London 1666 Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole went to the Crimea to nurse wounded soldiers 1854 L. S. Lowry was born 1887 The first aeroplane flight 1903 Rosa Parks was born 1913 Emily Davison ran out in front of the king's horse as it was taking part in the Derby Edith Cavell began helping soldiers escape from German-occupied Belgium 1914 Neil Armstrong became the first man to walk on the moon 1969 The world wide web was invented 1989