Warm-up Read “The Talkative Turtle”. At the bottom of the page, write a moral for the story. We will grade the open book quiz together
On your handout write the objective Objective: Identify all three types of irony used in text. Use page 480 to write down the definitions of all types of irony. Verbal Irony http://www.schooltube.com/video/a51e6f18b754c1602ab3/ mean-girls-irony Situational Irony – http://www.schooltube.com/video/e93b42b857376a495fbd/Th e-Simpsons-I-Am-So-Smart Dramatic Irony http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=- 6686403604896379472&safe=active# .
Types of Irony Activity: Listen to the song Highlight verbal irony in one color and situational irony in another. Get with a partner and share your results.
Vocabulary Write down the definition of the following words in context.
Since he wasn’t nice, the person gave him a diatribe, or harsh criticism Harsh and abusive criticism
It had been a long and tiring day, so he was very somnolent Def: drowsy
Darth Vader was peremptory toward others, so they did not argue with him Def: commanding; not allowing debate
Surreptitiously Def: in a sneaky way
The karate expert had natural athletic proclivities. Def: natural tendencies
Winning the lottery was ineffable; therefore, I couldn’t describe it. Def: too great to describe
The Ransom of Red Chief 1. As you read the story, take note of at least one example of each type of irony. Write this in your grid that was provided (note the page number) 2. On the bottom of the left page, answer the following questions 1. Where is the story set? 2. In what point of view is the story told? 3. Who are the characters? 4. What do they plan to do? 5. What problems do they face (list two)? 6. How does the story end? 4. On the top of the left page, process with a flow map of events (eight boxes)