Tamar Estuary and Esk Rivers program TEER Northern Tasmania Toni Furlonge March 2018
In Summary…. TEER program started in 2008 WQIP completed 2015 Using 7 years of our WQ data, developed own WQ indicator levels for report cards In 2017 using WQIP, TEER leveraged financial support from 5 local government agencies, 2 state government agencies (EPA Lab support & Dept. Health Human services) and State Government for a further 3 years of continuous WQ monitoring and report cards Local Government, NRM and Business’s worked together to develop catchment and Combined Systems Overflow improvement plans successful in winning State and Federal $$ in 2018
What we do … Bi annual meetings of partners – discuss and endorse Partnership committee Science and Technical committee Working groups (FST, Stormwater, BG Algae) Collate WQ data Work with partners – EPA biological monitoring Community Education – Schools and events Supply WQ data to support decision making ie. Sewage Treatment Plant upgrades, Agricultural and Aquiculture development, River flows and proposed developments such as a Tamar barrage, tidal power generation and sediment management options.
WQIP targets & Report Cards - how we are tracking Sewage treatment plant discharge loads show a reduction of Total Suspended Solids, Total Nitrogen, Total Phosphorous and overall discharge (12%, 25%, 36% and 13% respectively). Zone 1 shows a reduction in average monthly levels of Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorous (22% and 10% respectively), all other zones show an increase (up to 13%) or small decrease (up to 3%). = Zone 1 doing really well, other zones not so well WQIP Reduction Targets