ISSAI IMPLEMENTATION INITIATIVE Update on Planning Meeting for PSC 31 May 2012, Johannesburg
Mandate INTOSAI’s Strategic Plan envisages “the role of the IDI will be to take forward the implementation of the ISSAIs”. ISSAI Rollout Model
Programme Objective To facilitate implementation of ISSAIs with a comprehensive capacity building programme for level 2 ISSAIs and level four financial audit, compliance audit and performance audit ISSAIs. The programme will be initially run in English, for SAIs from developing countries in AFROSAI-E, ASOSAI, CAROSAI, EUROSAI and PASAI.
Implementation Partners INTOSAI Professional Standards Committee, Subcommittee on Financial Audit, Subcommittee on Performance Audit, Subcommittee on Compliance Audit, INTOSAI Capacity Building Committee, relevant regional bodies. Participating SAIs
Financing Partner The World Bank is the financing partner and has committed funds for a period of three years from 2012-2014. USD 950 000 received for 2012
Implementation Strategy Assess needs at regional and SAI level Create capacity for ISSAI implementation Facilitate ISSAI Implementation Rollout at Regional & SAI level Develop knowledge sharing forum on 3i
Assess Needs Development of ISSAI Compliance Assessment Tool (iCAT) Training of ISSAI facilitators from the regions on iCAT Regional 3i Management Workshops iCAT conducted by participating SAIs
Create Capacity for Implementation Development of audit manuals and model audit files ISSAI certification programme to create pools of ISSAI facilitators in financial, performance and compliance audit.
Facilitate Implementation Rollout Regional 3i Management workshops Support for ISSAI Implementation Rollout based on implementation strategy.
Knowledge Sharing Forum on Implementation Web based forum that provides for interaction and knowledge sharing related to ISSAI implementation.
Programme Evaluation Translation of products into Arabic, French and Spanish